6. First day

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We were sitting and getting ready for classes and Q came into the room

Q: I would love the barrette up a little higher 

He said to Kitty, and she smiled before she put it higher in her hair! She looked at me and I gave her a thumbs up to ensure her that it looked great 

Kitty: Where is Minho?

She asked with a smirk and I laughed 

Y/n: Probably still running

I said, and she smiled before the door bumped open and men carrying boxes entered the door with Minho behind them 

Y/n: Dude you hired movers seriously? Can't carry two boxes on your own?

I asked, and he gave me a death stare, but before he was able to answer me Dae entered the room! His eyes fell on Kitty and went toward her 

Dae: Kitty, you are still here 

He said, and Kitty immediately stood up 

Minho: Yes she is and her Cruella twin! I am going to call the Campus police and have them for cully removed 

He said, and Dae got his phone!

Dae: No, you are not 

He said, and I looked on the floor playing with my fingers. This time I didn't answer Minho because I was too bored to do it! I don't like him calling me like that. Well, I know that I haven't treated him the best, but I am nothing like Cruella. I love her character, but I am nothing like her 

Q: Are you okay, sweetie?

He asked, rubbing my shoulder. I stood up and took my bag 

Y/n: I am going to class, but when I am back, I will pack my things and tell Kitty to do the same! I am going to inform the professor who is responsible for it to change our dorm 

I said looking at Minho, and he smiled proudly and then I left! Firstly I went and joined some activities from after school like horse riding, volleyball, and music! I loved keeping myself distracted with things! Then headed to my first-ever class!

For my luck, the time passed really faster than I expected it would! I was walking towards the second period until Q joined me 

Q: Hey, please tell me that you have science! I won't survive on my own there 

He said and I nodded!

Y/n: Yeah don't worry we will survive, it's only an hour 

I said and he laughed! But when I saw Patrick entering the classroom, my eyes widened and Q smirked 

Q: Well, looks like you already found your lab partner 

He said while entering the classroom and then whispered to me 

Q: Just talk to him, it won't kill you 

He said, pushing me towards the free seat next to him 

Patrick: Oh hey Y/n 

He said with a huge smile on his face, and I pointed to the seat next to him 

Y/n: Should I sit or are you waiting company?

I asked with a soft smile and he nodded negatively letting me sit  

Patrick: It's all yours 

He said, and I sat with a smile. The next few minutes of silence were the death of me! I didn't know what to say or if I should speak! It was so freaking awkward! Like when your dad gives you the phone to talk to an aunt that never met before! Like this awkward! Thank god he talked first

Patrick: I was thinking that I will need more astronomy lessons to remember a few things 

He said and I smiled 

Y/n: Well, what I will get in exchange?

I asked and he smiled 

Patrick: It depends on how much I will enjoy your company 

Y/n: Bad for you because I am so funny that you will get tired of me 

I said and he smiled

Patrick: I doubt that 

He said, and I laughed before looking at the floor, smiling! Then I heard a small cough from across the classroom and when I looked at Q he winked at me! He looked so proud, and I just smiled shyly before something else took my attention, which was my sister calling Minho ''poopy baby''! I laughed like the other kids, but then Professor Finnerty let everyone choose their lab partner after Minho complained, and my sister came up to me 

Kitty: I need you to be lab partners with Minho 

She said and I nodded negatively 

Y/n: No way! Do you want us to kill each other?

I asked and she looked at me with puppy eyes 

Kitty: Do it for Q! Please, I beg you

She said and I sighed before standing up! Patrick sided with me and gave Minho an angry look before he looked back to the teacher! Minho looked at me confused and upset at the same time 

Minho: Great, I got rid of Portland stalker, and now I have Cruella!

He said, and I looked at him with a death stare

Y/n: If you call me like that one more time, then I swear that I will make you regret it 

I said and he smirked 

Minho: Can't wait for Cruella 

Y/n: Shut it, Poopy baby

He said, and I heard Florian say to Q from the opposite table!

Florian: The tension is clear for miles away! Enemies to Lovers is clearly my favourite

He said, and my face turned into a disgusting look before I rolled my eyes and Minho may have heard it too because he did exactly the same expression! The time passed smoothly but unfortunately for us, we had to do a project for next week and since today was my last day at our dorm and no one could let us work, we decided to do it in the library! I went there an hour before our meeting because I wanted to start my essay first and spend less time with him. I didn't realize when time passed, and then I saw him walking in, and he handed me a cup of coffee!

Minho: I decided to make up for calling you Cruella earlier 

He said, handing me the cup, and I smiled 

Y/n: Aww, I knew that behind that jerk's face is a cute softie 

I said and he rolled his eyes

 I checked the ingredients on the cup because I wanted to make sure that it didn't contain almonds, which I am deathly allergic to! When I saw it had almond milk, I handed it back to him 

Y/n: Thank you, but I am allergic to almonds

I said and he nodded in disappointment 

Minho: Sorry, didn't know 

He said and I smiled 

Y/n: It's okay, let's just finish it 

I said, and he nodded before sitting next to me and for the next hour we were writing the essay until it was finally done

Hello everyone,

     I really hope you guys like this story. Please don't be ghost readers and write your opinion in the comments because I would really appreciate it! Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day or night!!!



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