27- the stolen letter

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paige + third person 

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paige + third person 

present; narrative

"Paige, you cannot write finna. It's supposed to be romantic." Azzi said looking up from the paper I handed her.

I threw my head back. This was my third attempt just trying to finish the last paragraph. I just didn't know how to sound romantic while still sounding like myself.

"I like it, makes it seem like she really wrote it." Rose shrugged, chiming in. She was peeking at the paper over Azzi's shoulder, reading the words I'd scribbled on it.

"Wait, why'd you call me a dipshit?" Jay asked, his mouth hung open.

"What's with the doodles?." Rose pointed to all my little drawings on the sides of the paper. I couldn't stay focused on writing forever.

"Is that supposed to be me?" Jay held the paper up to my face pointing at the stick man with a mop on his head. I nodded, watching Azzi and Rose try and hide their laughs.

Jay pushed my shoulder, walking back over to the couch with my letter in hand.

"I can't do this, I wasn't made to be romantic." I sat on the floor in front of the couch the three of them sat on. We'd been at this for days, since my conversation with Jay. We had come up with the idea of a love letter with a twist.

"Paige, she's gonna love it." Azzi comforted. She was mostly just in favor of me finishing this letter as soon as possible because I'd woken her up way too many times asking her to reread it while I paced around her room.

"What if she thinks it's too corny? I can't give it to her." I was now dramatically sprawled out on the floor. My wrist was aching from how much writing I'd done lately. My head was pounding and words were starting to mesh together in my head.

"Trust me Jules loves corny. Her favorite movie is Valentine's Day." Rose laughed.

"Isn't that the shit with Taylor Swift and Jacob Cullen?" Jay asked. Could this guy get any stupider? Seriously this guy had a 3.6 GPA and still knew nothing about pop culture.

"It's Jacob Black." Azzi defended, obviously team Edward. Blankly staring at Jay, waiting for him to say he was joking. He wasn't.

'Guys I need help." I jumped up, shoving my hands in the air to emphasize my point. They looked at me like I was crazy but I couldn't be taking my sweet time with this.

"Paige, you need to just calm down and write the truth. That's all Jules wants to hear." Rose said, putting her hand on my arm to calm me down. She handed me back the paper and pushed me back towards my room.

"And take out the 'finna's." Azzi screamed at me. I popped my head out of the room, giving her a pleading look.

"Can I have one finna?" I begged, putting my hands out like I was really begging. When Azzi didn't say no I ran back in my room, closing my door and sitting back at my desk. I grabbed a new paper, deciding to start over.

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