29- how you get the girl

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present; narrative

My eyes were red and the tears were running down my face. I had just finished reading Paige's letter, holding the necklace tightly in my palm. She wrote a love letter for me, and it wasn't just a normal one it had Taylor Swift lyrics incorporated. I knew Paige wasn't the best at communicating her feelings but doing it through the songs I knew by heart made the tears flow out even harder.

I chased after Azzi, running into the locker room where she had disappeared after giving me the letter. Paige didn't know I read this, I needed to find her before she realized and got too scared. I needed to find my Paige. When I ran in, all the girls turned to look at me, very confused. I never came into the locker room and the tears streaming down my face didn't help my case.

"Jules, what's wrong?" Dorka walked over to me, towering over me and placing her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I tried to regulate my breathing, my heart still feeling full after what I just read. I waved the letter in the air, hoping they would understand without my explanation but they continued looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I need to find Paige." I managed to breath out, sitting down and looking at them hopefully. They all shared a collective smile before Azzi walked forward, leaning down to meet my eyes.

"We'll help you find her ok?" She turned to the girls behind her, waiting for them to all nod in agreement which they did. Dorka put her hand around my shoulder, guiding me out of the locker room as the other girls followed. The rain was still pouring outside, making me cold thinking about going out into it but I needed to see Paige.

We walked out slowly, shoes smacking the puddles that had formed outside. I kept my head down, hoping to stop the tears that didn't seem to stop. I shoved the letter inside my jacker, the necklace still tightly held within my palm.

"Jules look." Dorka stopped walking, making me stop too. Why would she just stop walking in the middle of the rain? My hair was starting to stick to my forehead as the rain got heavier. I looked up, squinting my eyes to look around. It was dark out which made seeing anything hard but the rain and my lack of glasses or contacts made it nearly impossible. The only thing I could make out was a blonde standing in the middle of the parking lot. I ran to her, immediately recognizing the long blonde hair that now looked brown from how wet it was.

I ran until I was in her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist as she held me close. Our wet clothes stuck together but I didn't care, I needed to feel her right now. When she put me down I placed my hand on her cheek, finally being able to see her features up close. I noticed her whole body shiver and she was drenched, obviously standing there for a long time.

Stand there like a ghost, shaking from the rain

"Are you insane?" I held her face. Resting my forehead against hers. I could see how her nose was a light shade of pink, slightly sniffling. "You're gonna get sick."

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now