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Just as Dominic Toretto and Brian O'Connor thought they were free, more police cars came chasing after them.

It was obvious these were the corrupt police officers who were on Reyes' payroll, simply following his instructions.

Julia Kim and Mia Toretto continued to inform them of the routes, listening in on the radios and watching the live feed for any changes that needed to be made.

"Guys, there's a big group coming at you from the south. Do something now!"

"Alright, got it."

Dom and Brian worked in unison, yelling instructions at one another and blocking the police cars as they attempted to stop them.

"Go wide!" Brian called out, getting an idea of how to wipe out the cop cars.

Dom blindly followed the instructions, trusting the younger's idea. The two cars were on either side of the road, the stretched-out cable taking out all the cars pursuing them.

However, their victory only lasted a moment.

Six police cars made it through the wrecking-ball-like-vault, with one passenger taking out his shotgun and aiming at Dom's and Brian's tires.

But before the cop could fire, another police car sped through the pack, wiping out the shotgun car.

Han Lue has arrived.

Together with Roman, both men worked together, pulling some insane maneuvers. They cleared the roads for their friends, ensuring there were no cop cars on their tails.

"You're all clear on the left."

"We're clear on the right."

Dom let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, smiling lightly as he looked at the radio. "Thanks, guys." He thanked his friends, glad they had his back.

"Anytime, D."

"I'll see you on the other side!"

Han Lue and Roman Pearce nodded at each other as they approached an intersection, splitting off as they went to their next post.

Back at the abandoned automobile plant, Julia and Mia held each other's hands, grinning as they jumped in their places, content that everything was going according to plan.

If only they knew what was to come.

"You guys just carved out a ten-second window," Mia notified. "Make it count."

The two females waited in silence as they watched the cars drive under the overpass, mindlessly counting the seconds under their breath.

"Mission accomplished!" Leo informed over the separate radio channel, the one Hobbs and Elena didn't have access to.

Instantly, the others broke into smiles at the news. They switched the vaults. The hardest part is over now.

Dominic Toretto and Brian O'Connor raced across the bridge, desperately trying to put distance between them and the sea of cop cars.

Even though they finished the crucial part, they were still being chased. And to truly complete the mission, they had to escape.

Which was proving difficult, given the circumstances.

Brian looked through his side mirrors, realizing they weren't getting away. "There's too many of them. We won't make it," he said over the radio.

"You're right; we aren't. You are."

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