Dont worry

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"The fucks wrong with you." I heard Tom yell at her, holding her up by the collar.

I stood a few meter away, my hand covering my mouth, i was so confused yet scared. Her face was numb and looked unconscious.

I saw bill laying down on the floor, holding the aid kit, his eyebrows furrowed with his mouth slightly open. He had been pushed down by Tom, his own brother. He held onto the needle as he looked at me and then at them.

Tom shook her shoulder. "Stupid bitch." He mumbled while he sightly slapped her cheek, twice. "Wake up." He continued.

"Just give her the epipen, doesn't she need it?" I begged, walking over.

"You don't know shit." Tom spat, clearly annoyed.

I took a step back and looked at bill who was trying to get up. He leaned onto the counter.

Tom shook her one last time and her eyes flickered. They were heavy and tired as she bit her lips, she woke up.

"She's fine." Tom said, letting go of her shoulder.

Katie shook her head and coughed a bit. She breathed heavily as she looked at her arm and the needle besides her.

"Couldn't even handle a bit of heroin." Tom said, mockingly. Looking at her with a disgusted look.

I didn't know why. But it hurt me how he treated her.

She didn't reply, she just tried to stand up again and slowly walked behind the bar, almost unable to walk.

"She overdosed, shouldn't we help." I said, looking at her walk lifeless to grab a glass from the side.

"She can walk on her own," Tom replied as his arms crossed each others.

I swallowed, I didn't know her, but what had happen to make her take that much, I knew heroin was bad but she didn't seem to care.

She took a glass of water and chugged it down her throat, closing her eyes as she slammed the glass down, wiping water off her mouth.
She looked at me, her eyes heavy. "I'm fine." She said, her eyes met mine.

But she wasn't, why was she lying?

I nodded my head. "Okay." I replied, there was no use to argue. If she said she was okay, then that settles it.

I looked at Tom, he grinned as I was just proven wrong. He was right, again.

I looked down, I still wore the same white t shirt with my jeans, it was kind of creepy. I had almost forgot how I ended up here in the first place.

Katie held the glass of water as she walked out of the bar, she passed us and trembled on something, causing her to fall closer to us and make the glass land on my chest, making water get all over my clothes. "Fuck!" I yelled out as the cold water hit my skin.
"Woops" fell out her mouth, she stood back, covering her grin with her hand.

My shirt was soaking as I stood there. It was obviously not an accident. "I felt bad for you, you know." I said as I looked at her who was looking at Tom. She was grinning while looking at him, and he couldn't give a shit.

I sighed as I started to walk away from there and out into the hallway, looking for the room that was supposed to be mine. I walk down the hallway and into the white calm room.

It was like before, only, worse. Everything in this house had gone worse.

I tore open my closet as i look for something. I quickly took off my wet tshirt and placed it on top of the heater.

I took a step back and took a black tight sweater from the closet. I slowly took it over my head and over my chest. Feeling it hit my bruise. I finally dragged it down completely and felt warm enough and satisfied.

I look back at the door and feel someone outside, just their presence. Like they're looking, listening or something.

I lean my head to the side as I raise my eyebrow. The door was closed so I couldn't even see the shadow.

"Who's there?" I ask. If I was quiet enough, I could've probably heard their breathing, but I heard them quickly walk away.

I walk to the door and turn the door knob and open the door but no one was there.

I look around but i see no one.

I heard some giggles and talking from downstairs, it was probably Tom and Katie. I sigh as I look back into my room. I take off my watch and place it on the table. "I don't know if I'll leave this house but I can't take a chance to get it broken." I whisper to myself as I leave it there.

"Eselin!" My body shivers as I heard that voice. It was Tom, he was calling for me downstairs.

"Come down" he said again, he didn't sound angry though, but his voice sent shivers down my spine.

I swallowed as I walked out of the room and down some stairs, I crossed my arms as I walked. I followed where I heard his voice, i looked through the rooms as I walked down the halls and saw them. I saw Tom standing inside the big room with the painting supplies. I saw Katie there too, she had more makeup and fixed hair. I could now also see sitting down behind them.

Tom saw me and smiled. "There you are" he grinned. He was planning something, they were waiting for me.

Bill now looked at me.

"We'll paint." He said, reaching out an arm for me.

I swallowed as I looked at his hand.

"Shall we?" He asked, taking a step forward. He's presence cold. I had said that I wouldn't paint for him, still we had this conversation again. But what other choices did I have, he would've just drugged me again.

"Don't worry," I heard Bill say from behind, he looked at me, he looked pretty honest. Like Tom was calmer now, he didn't look as tense or scared like he did all the other times.


A painter's game - /REWRITTEN/  Where stories live. Discover now