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Rolling his eyes, he knocks the bat out of my hands. "You learn, but not fast enough." And points it at me. How the hell did that happen? With just a swift of motion.

I stare at him insensitivity, breathing heavily against the metal car. how was he able to do that, it was in my hands a few seconds ago?

His face formed a smirk as he watched my confusion, enjoying the way i tried to figure out what had just happened. "Oh, don't worry about it. I just took it back." He said casually, taking a step closer to me.

my throat closes in fear, I was ready to punch him but he took the opportunity away from me just like that.

He laughed coldly at my fear, enjoying every second of it. "See? You're already afraid." Tom reached out and grabbed my chin roughly, forcing me to look up at him. "You're mine now. You understand?" His eyes cold.

I look up at him. feeling him touch me like I was something to play with, something he could just touch without any care in the world. but I wasn't his, I didn't want that.

my eyebrows narrow in anger while he holds my chin, I grab his wrist from my chin and push it off me. "don't touch me." I say threatning.

Tom smirk widened as he saw my defiance. "Oh, you fight back," he mused. "Very well. Let's see how long that lasts." With fluid movements, he raised the bat once again, this time pointing it directly at me.

I look up at the bat with flashing eyes, ready for him to hit me, but my muscles ready to run. So I quickly lean down and punch him in the stomach with a swift motion, making him tremble before even touching the bat on my body.

He grunted in pain as I punched him in the stomach, his eyes widening in surprise. "You little bitch," he growled, lifting the bat once again. This time, he swung it hard at my legs, just as I had tried to run away, but my legs trembling, making me fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Tom laughed maniacally as he saw me fall to the ground. "Pathetic," he sneered, kicking me hard in the stomach. Then, without warning, he raised the bat high above his head and brought it crashing down on my left shoulder.

As I laid there on the ground, feeling the hard kick my shoulders, my mouth opens wide with a scream, I thought he was going to kill me. Feeling my eyes tear up, with the pain filling my whole body.

Tom paused for a moment, listening to my pitiful cries. He was about to deliver another blow when he suddenly stopped, I didn't know why he stopped, but it was definitely reliving. His face darkened as he slowly dropped the bat to the ground besides him. He breathed heavily, seeing him stare at my lifeless body wince on the cold grass.

His eyes darted around nervously, his heart racing. He knew he shouldn't have stopped, I knew that. He wanted to finish me off. But something held him back, perhaps it was the fear of getting caught or the twisted part of him that found pleasure in my pain.

my hands trembling as I tried to get off the ground, while grunting as I felt my body shake, knowing id have blue and purple marks over my body soon. "what the fuck.." I murmur low.

Toms eyes narrowed as he watched me struggle to my feet. He remained silent for a moment, contemplating his next move. Then, without warning, he lunged forward and grabbed my arm roughly, yanking me closer to him.

my body flinching as he roughly touched me, everything hurt so much. my body was weak by now and I didn't know what to do, so I let him hold me as he picked me up from the ground.

Tom held me close, his breath hot against my ear. "You should have stayed out of my way," he whispered, his voice a low growl. "Now you'll pay the price." He started to grab my waist to pull me over his shoulders, making me land behind his back. My hands grabbing onto his shirt with pain. What did he fucking mean by that? He was the one to approach me, he was the one who ruined my life.

He continued to walk on the grass, his grip on my waist tightening as he carried me. "You don't understand," he muttered, his voice filled with madness. "I had to have you. You were just... there." He said.

I slightly pulled my head up, my whole body hurting, shaking. Wanting to cry, not understanding anything he said, it irritated me how he could just treat me like this. I open my mouth slowly with an answer. "You should have never approached me." I say, meaning every word.

He chuckled darkly, his grip on my waist never faltering. "Ill admit, you're my muse, my obsession. You're mine, and you always will be." He paused for a moment, his hand fighting around my thigh as my hand grabs onto the back of his shirt. "You're not going anywhere."

I swallow harshly, if this was who he was, I could never love him. He was a fucking psycho, who would hit someone with a bat if he was this obsessed. Why me. "You're insane." I whisper behind him, feeling that I'm almost going to pass out.

His fingers dug into my skin, leaving red marks as he growled. "You have no idea," Tom whispered back, his hot breath tickling my neck. "But you will soon enough."

I whince at the touch of his finger digging into my skin.

His grip on my waist tightened even further, his arm muscles tense beneath the fabric of his shirt. "You need to be quiet," he growled. "You need to learn."


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