Chapter 5

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    He hadn't even brought up what he did with the girl he was 'dancing' with at the club. I need to know... just out of curiosity.

    "But... um... I was just wondering; what happened with that girl? Did you score?" Did you score? I felt like throwing up.

    He chuckled. "No, not exactly. But how did you know I was with a girl there?"

"Oh I saw you guys dancing and I figured I should give you your space, so I didn't say anything."

    "You should've! We could've found you a girl around too!"

I cringed.

    "But anyway," he continued, "she basically got bored with me and moved onto some other guy eventually. That was near the time before I came to get you."

    "Over the course of three-ish hours you didn't think of having sex with her? Why not?"

"Would you have? I don't know. She seemed really wasted and I wasn't, and I didn't want to do anything she may have regretted later. I wasn't going to take advantage of her."

    That really made me think. I guess I was so used to being as wasted as the girl that I didn't think about respecting them... I was so shitty. But it was sort-of out of my control. "That's really respectful of you."

    "I don't know that it should be deemed 'respectable,' I think that it should just be expected to treat people properly."

    I looked at him like he was an angel. "Oh. Yeah.... I guess you're right." I managed.

"So she just moved on after hours of you two dancing and then you came to tell me we need to go? She didn't ask you to fuck her?"

    "Jesus christ you're vulgar, Dan." he laughed.

"It's not like you didn't already know that."

    "Yeah, she did though. But that's when I refused and then shortly after is when she moved on to the next guy. I guess I'm too nice or something."

    No, you're just perfect. I shook my thoughts from my head.

"I think you made the right choice, now that I think about it. I'm an asshole, I probably would've had sex with her even though she was wasted."

    "You aren't an asshole. Surprisingly you're actually the first guy I've talked to that hasn't called me a 'dumbass' or a 'pussy' because I told them I didn't take up a drunk girl's offer of having sex with her. So thanks for that."

    "Get better friends, haha."

"I could say the same to you, with what you've told me about yours."

    He was right.

"Yeah, I guess you could."

    "At least we have each other. We're gonna be best friends in no time at all."

My heart skipped a beat when he said 'at least we have each other.' and then it stopped when he continued... and now it was trying to reset itself as I stared at him and tried to find the words to say.

    "Yeah definitely." I giggled. "Sorry it took me such a long time to respond to a statement so simple, my BAC is probably still through the roof." I was sure it was. My vision was still really blurred and I was surprised I had control of my speech instead of just slurring everything I said.

    "We should go back inside... it's getting cold out here. I also want to get maybe three hours of sleep before I have to go work."

    We got back into my flat and I told him he could sleep on the couch.

High On You (Phan) // UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now