Chapter 21: Levi

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"Levi's here," Ethan said, breaking up the tension from the conversation in the room.

My heart fluttered as Ethan dipped down to kiss my crown. Barrett stood up and held a hand out to Evie. "Come on love, let's go see if we can find some coffee."

She sighed then nodded with a bit or hesitation. "Alright Queen B, Helen?"

Helen stood and followed them as Derek and Elliot both kissed me on the cheek. Derek let out another wavering breath and wiped his eyes. "Let me know when you're done. Elliot and I made cookies, well I did–"

"Ok," I replied softly with a little smile.

Derek looked over at Dominic, who just sat back in his chair and crossed his legs. "Dom?"

Dominic shook his head. "I don't plan on leaving. Levi can throw a fit if he wants."

"Your funeral," Derek grumbled out before Elliot pulled him out of the door.

Lucas got up and walked around to a chair next to Dominic and sat down. He looked over at Dominic, his wolf assessing him thoroughly before he looked back at me. "I like him, Char, he can stay."

Ethan muttered a string of curses under his breath and pulled me closer to him. I just rolled my eyes and looked back at Lucas. "Make sense, you're both royal assholes when you want to be."

"I take that as a compliment," Dominic said with a smirk.

"Me too," Lucas nodded in agreement, causing Dominic to chuckle as the door opened.

Levi stopped in his tracks, his eyes looking over to Lucas before they landed on me. He sighed as Ethan scooted out of the way and walked over to me; he felt so tired–his beast looked tired.

I thought I was done crying but I found tears leaking out of my eyes as Levi gently pulled me to him. He nuzzled my hair then kissed my crown, holding me like he thought I would vanish. "Gave us a good scare there for a while girl."

"I know," I breathed out against his shoulder.

Levi pulled away; his eyes were soft as they looked me over before they found my gaze again. "You are something else Charlie girl–you're something else, but you are still one of mine. Do you understand?"

I nodded. "I know," I replied honestly. I knew who my father was. I knew that Hadrian was my dad–but Levi was too. I was lucky. Not many people–if any, got to say they had two father's in their life that loved them like mine loved me.

I had Hadrian. Hadrian who saved me in ways that I still couldn't comprehend. Hadrian who walked out of the portal to save me again. Saved me with his blood. Our blood. Hague's blood.

I had my human father who did his best to love me even after my human mother died–my adoptive parents that Dominic compelled so I would be safe. I loved them. I would always love them and keep the memories of them close.

But then I had Levi.

Levi who saved me, who pissed me the hell off at times, but who loved me as his own. I saw it in his eyes when I touched the rock–I saw the same love that I see now when he looked at me as just a babe. I was always meant to be one of his and he was always meant to be a father to me.

Levi looked up at Dominic as he sat back on the edge of the bed by my legs with a raised brow. "Dominic?"

"You're stuck with me now Levi," Dominic said with a smirk. "I guess we are all one big happy family."

"Shit," Levi muttered out before he muttered out another string of curses that tugged my lips into a little smile.

"I mean he's not so bad dad," Lucas added. "He did help me sneak you the extra Ben & Jerry's from the pack house."

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