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~ Emily ~

"How long will it take it, Emi? I'm starving for some glucose!" My brother, Emil, whined as I kept the chocolate milkshake in the refrigerator to freeze.

"If you can wait until now, then you can wait for another half an hour, too." I ruffled his messy hair. "And, if your sugar craving is too much, then munch on this chocolate bar for now."

I grabbed a white chocolate bar from the refrigerator and tossed it in his direction.

Yeah, it's normal for ten year olds to love sweet treats, but in my brother's case, sweets save his life. Literally.

Because Emil is hypoglycemiac.

Due to this, our groceries were always loaded with all kinds of sweets, which I'm really happy about.

"Emil, did you take your meds?" I asked him as he happily nibbled on the white chocolate.

"Yes, Ma'am!" He gave me a mock-salute.

"Are you sure, pumpkin pie?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

Emil had skipped his medicines before.

Kids really love to break rules as it seems cool to them. This kiddo really doesn't understand the seriousness of his condition.

"I'm 100% sure that I've taken those unholy tablets because their ironic taste still linger in my mouth." He faked a gag. That sure was an exaggeration.

I smiled at his tantrums. At least he took them.

My mother does give him the pills every day, but we can't force it down his throat, right?

This all started five years ago, when Emil was first diagnosed with hypoglycemia.

That bright morning, I accompanied him to the park nearby so that he could play with his little friends.

When he said that he was hungry, I excused myself from them to buy an ice cream for him, and when I came back, well, you can say that I nearly had a heart attack.

He was nowhere to be seen.

The kids informed me that he was trembling and on seeing his state, somebody took him to the hospital.

Confusion was written all over my then pale face.

How? He was perfectly alright; I thought back then.

I hurried to my home and told my parents about my irresponsibility and took the blame to myself.

They were shocked to hear everything, but they consoled me, anyway. The telephone rang at that moment, and the person on the other side informed us that Emil was at the Town Hospital.

We rushed there and finally learned about my brother's illness. The doctor studied that his condition was due to the overproduction of insulin and advised us to take immediate steps to make it better.

I still remember how the hospital staff talked about how complicated his case was, considering his age.

After calming my nerves, I asked about the person who brought Emil, there and the staff informed us that my brother's lifesaver hadn't left yet. So, my parents decided to thank him for his help and when we found the person, he wasn't a man.

He was a twelve year old boy.

His name is Vincent Zaphyr.

Yes, the guy whom I'm in love with for the last five years.

"Hello daydreamer, my milkshake is freezing in Antarctica!" Emily snapped me out of the flashback.

"Oops, I'm sorry!" I practically jumped towards the refrigerator, opened the door, and wrapped my fingers around the freezing cold glass.

I placed it on the dining table quickly as my fingers became numb.

"Can you wait for some more minutes to let it cool down? Y'know, it's bad for your health to gulp down that freezing thing."

"Sorry, princess, my patience has now worned out. All thanks to your zoning out habit!"

My brother can get sassy at times.

I have no idea where he got that from. Because I certainly don't sass. Now, do I?

"Y'know sis, I've seen in romantic movies that girls zone out thinking out about their lover and stuff. Now, would you care to explain this?" He asked me, and I choked on my saliva.

My innocent, sweet, cute brother did not just say that!

Hmm, I'll definitely make sure what type of movie he watches from now on.

"What do you mean?" I acted all innocent.

"Now, stop acting like you didn't get it! You can tell me. You know that I'm a good secret keeper." He winked at me.

Good God. Where am I stuck?

I knew for a fact that my brother was as good as a highshool gossip queen in keeping secrets.

I think my innocent, sweet, cute brother has gone missing.

"Sorry, but you should stop watching that kind of movie you recently did and complete your maths homework after you finish this." I sternly stated while pointing towards the half-empty milkshake.

"Heyy, you promised that you'd do it for me if I take my meds daily!" He pouted sadly.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "And that was before you compared me with those girls who dream about their so-called boyfriends." I made an excuse. A lame one for that matter.

"Y'know, I was just joking!" He pleaded again.

Sometimes, he can be too cute to handle.

"Okay, okay, I change my mind. So I will now do your maths homework but you shouldn't watch those movies again. Deal?" I asked him hopefully.

He let out a dramatic sigh and smiled brightly. "Anything, to get rid of that horrible subject!"

I chuckled and ruffled his hair again.

He didn't know that I would've always done his homework, no matter what.

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