T w e n t y - E i g h t

679 35 31

~ Vincent ~


Everybody was behaving so strange lately.

And as much as I hated to say. It bothered me a lot. I was not like this before.


Ever since she came into my life, I started to change, I started to behave less rudely, and I started to care for people. I started to fall in...

Never mind.

And on top of it, my parents weren't home just like before.

Maybe I was just overthinking everything.

Maybe they were just behaving normally.

Maybe I was the one with the problem here.


I shook my head and left a huge sigh, "Maybe I should just attend my today's session with Mrs. Lilly."

I needed it. I really did.

Within a drive of an hour and a half, I pulled up at Emily's home.

Walking through her garden, I felt like, coming here was a bad idea, I felt like I should've just stayed at my home and suffered in silence.

No. My efforts from the last few months can't go to waste.

Face it, Vincent.

Taking a deep breath, I rang the doorbell.

Nobody answered the door for a whole minute.

Was I the last person left on Earth?

Well, that assumption was proved wrong when somebody opened the door, but when I saw who it was, my jaw dropped.


He grinned, "Yep. Are you coming in or what?"

I nodded and walked in.

I don't know why, but I was feeling a little... jealous?

What was he doing here?

"What are you doing here?"

I then realised that I really voiced my question.

He shrugged, "Just paying my friend a visit?"

Was he seriously asking me that?


He shook his head and laughed, "Nops, the other sibling."

"Oh." Well, that was a relief.

He poked my side, "Vi, you're adorable when you are jealous."

"I wasn't jealous!"

"Yeah, and I'm blind."

I rolled my eyes and left him behind, "Whatever." It was unusually quiet out here, "Uh where's everybody?"


I turned around and he was not there.

"Derek, it's not funny."

Oh God, this guy.

I brushed it off, and when I was going to reach Mrs. Lilly's home office, I heard some strange sound in the room opposite to hers.

"Uh, somebody there?"

Well, as expected, there was no reply.

Was I stuck in some creepy nightmare?

Strangely enough, I found my feet dragging me to that room, and before I could stop it, I knocked on the door.

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