T h i r t y

698 30 11

~ Emily ~

No, no, he didn't mean that.

I passed the most of the classes without paying much attention to them because I had an unanswered question disturbing me.

Why would Vincent say something like that?

He was not the one to joke around, and I was certain about that.

Then why?

I was on my way to the lunch hall to have food with them when I heard a voice call out to me.

"Emily, wait up!"

Turning around, I found Fiona standing just a few feet away from me.

She was really tall for a sixteen year old, and we were almost the same height.

"Yeah, Fiona?"

She came closer and nervously smiled at me, "I uh want to talk to you. You okay with that?"

My stomach was protesting for food, but I nodded nonetheless, "Yeah, I am okay. You can talk."

"Great!" She beamed at me, "So, I'll make this real quick."

She took a deep breath, "You and Vincent are close, right?"


I nodded even though she looked like she had done a whole research on what she was getting herself into.

"So, you could do me a help. Right?"

I gulped, "Well, that depends."

"Oh, it's no biggie," She said, adjusting her hair, "I-I like Vincent."


I didn't mean to raise my voice like that, but she didn't seem to notice it that much.

"Yeah. I do. So, could you please arrange a small meeting for us? I really can't confront him like that because I'm a little tensed around him. So please, will you?"

Oh, now everything made sense. Everything.

Vincent's out of character behaviour, and now this.

Was Vincent really hinting about Fiona back then?

With that thought, I felt my heart sink.

Fiona shook me, "You would, right?" She looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"I-I would."

"Perfect!" Then Fiona left. Just like that.

And just like that, my appetite had also gone, but still, I walked towards the lunch hall and sat beside Skyler.

Derek and Skye were arguing on something I didn't really hear.

On the other hand, I could feel Vincent's eyes on me, but I couldn't make myself look at him because I would break down in front of him.

And I can't let that happen.

But, I surely would help Fiona if it was the best for him.

For Vincent.

Wish I Were Heather  ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon