Chapter 10- old life

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Waking up in the same bed you had fallen asleep in, you thrashed around as someone was pinning you down saying something, incomprehensible in your panicked state.

"Y/n!" Someone spoke down at your terrorized face. You thrashed and kicked, trying to scratch the person, all you could think of was their faces, the monsters... they wouldn't leave your head.

"NO NO STOP IT PLEASE!!" You screamed at the person who was holding you down, trying to get you to stop attacking them. You didn't stop though, you just kept struggling against them until they decided their close prescience was scaring you more. They backed away from your shaking form as others filed into the room, immediately rushing up the stairs when hearing the commotion.

"Father what is happening?" One questioned, staring at your shaking and thrashing form.

"She had a nightmare, do we sedate her?" Another piped in, annoyed at his brothers questioning of the obvious. Another grabbed th small box that had been stored in the small cabinet in the floor, these were there for easy access to sedatives for emergencies such as this one.

"No. No, let her calm down on her own, if she can't, then we'll do it" ace stopped the teenager pulling out the small syringe full of Rohypnol (a very strong sleep drug), and kept him from putting the liquid in your veins. You continued to scream and cry as the men stood there and watched in sympathy, wishing they could get closer, but knowing that if they did you would scream more.

"Honey, it's okay, we're not going to hurt you, we need you to calm down though, please?" Your father pleaded, inching closer to your body, which was no longer thrashing around, but you were still shaking and sobbing.

Your senses had been returned all of a sudden, you could see clearly again (though tears still clouded your vision), and the panic in your head had died down, as you could now see that these were in fact humans, and not... creepy faceless monsters?

Your legs shook as you sat up abruptly, suddenly alert of all the people in the room staring at you. The comforter and fluffy blankets that had been over you were now way across the room, you had probably kicked them over there in your frenzy. The men had noticed that your overall panic had subsided, and started to slowly step closer to you.

"No NO! Stay away!" You yelled at them, not being able to fully move your legs was disorienting, and you were scared enough as it is. You were used to having night terrors, but every time it would just be a small memory that would cause you to wake up swiftly, you WERE NOT used to the absolute horror you just experienced.

"Sweetie were not going to hurt you, we just want make you feel better." A grey haired man cooed to you, he looked very feminine in your eyes, pretty to say the least. The man had sat down next to your quivering body on the bed. Rubbing slow circles on your lower back until your heavy distorted breathing subsided. Leaving a slightly suprised family, and a acres you.

"W-who are y-you?" you managed to sniffle out, earning a small smile in the mans face.

"My name is axel sweetheart! I already know you name though so it's fine, but we're going to have so much fun together!" He practically squealed out. This was unusual behavior from axel, usually he is a shy and anti socially refined person. But they all were affected by you, some maybe more than others?

"I-oh,  uhm... okay?" You questioned, not knowing the man and having him "comfort" you was already odd, but having him treat you like a best friend from first grade? That was certainly wierd. You had been only paying attention to axel, not really acknowledging any others in the room.

Until you saw one of them with a syringe in there hand, and immediately jumped to conclusions. You jumped off of the bed and backed into the wall, eyes tearing up again.

"Y-you we're gonna knock me out! Weren't you! I am not falling for that!" You screeched at the men, many glares were shot at the man holding the syringe, they had just gotten you to calm down too!

You went back to shaking and quivering, while having your back pressed against the wall, you were pretty much defenseless against these men. And so led to the third attempt at window escape, attempting to kick at the glass window, but failing, yet again.

"Honey, the windows can't be broken, why don't you go back to sleep ns we'll talk more later about it... okay?" Your "father" questioned to you, cooing at the sleepy attempts of escape.

"N-no wait please don't make me, they'll come back,  I d-don't want them too come back" you spoke, fear etched fat in your face, you did not want to experience that ever again, and if it cost you sleep then so be it. These words earned a few questioning glances, they would have to take you to a doctor about that, and soon too, before the nightmares get worse.

"Oh darling, I'm sorry, do you want to go to the library with ace, I bet he'll take you?" Another one piped in, successfully earning many glares.

"I- uh- yeah" you stuttered, still scared to approach them, as if they would stab you with a syringe at any moment.

The man you had figured name was "ace" stepped foreword, and hooked his arm around yours, he had to bend slightly to do it, for he was tall as actual fuck.

A Chorus of "byes" went throughout the room, as ace gently pulled you into the hallway, walking down the same way you and Damien went yesterday, it was still a maze though.

"So what was that nightmare about?" Ace asked, his voice monotone and flat, but somehow at the same time full of curiosity.

"I don't want to answer that." You bluntly answered, a rush of pictures running through your head, as you unintentionally squeezed aces arm tighter.

'So adorable', he thought. Noticing the momentary squeezes you would give to him. It was clear that whatever nightmare you just experienced made you vulnerable, this was a perfect time to make a move.

(Platonically you horny fucks)

—————————time skip——————————

Throughout the time you spent with ace, you grew to like him more and more. Even though he kidnapped you, and even though he was scary looking, he had very good taste in books. And he had showed you so many new ones that you "would love to read".

"Oh, here is a book based off of the mythology of Arachne. You would probably like it." He spoke in the blank tone. The Motioning to the  book with a spider on the cover.

"Hey ace?" You asked timidly, a question had been bubbling up inside of you for a little while now. It had probably only been about a day, and you hadn't socialized with many people, but could they be looking for you? It was a long stretch, but it was also the last shred of hope you had too hang onto.

"Yes y/n?" He answered.

"Are they looking for me, you know my friends?" You asked, with a determined look on your face. You were going to get back there any way you could. Back to b/n, and then you would run away from all of it, that is... if you don't die here first.

"No, no one back there cares about you. This is your life now, so the old one doesn't matter"


Writers block kicked me in the face today, I feel like this chapter is good though. I had it written as something else, but the other one was am extremely boring (this one is too).

These chapters are still me trying to introduce all the characters.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes

Hope you have an absolutely amazing day today, byyyeeee

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