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"No! You cant just leave me with the tiny little bitch! He's gonna.... spread some fucking virus or something! Wait wait wait, don't you dare hang up, I will beat your ass if y- and he hung up", slade (your brother) practically yelled into his phone, hissing out the words to his uncle, Zane, while sitting in the library with ace. You were still fast asleep, all the way in you parents room, under like 4 blankets.

Most of the family besides you, and the two brothers were out, organizing their new home, far, far away from this town, it was stuffy here, and it wasn't like this house was some heirloom, it was bought in hopes of their little girl liking it.

But you hadn't seen the world, and you were clearly uncomfortable in the lavish atmosphere, half of these rooms were completely untouched, and this way it would be easier to get rid of the tiny brat, and keep you away from the police.

"Did they choose a final location?" Ace spoke, trying to take Slades mind off the argument, slade gets, very angry, very fast. You don't want to piss him off, or he'll take his favorite knife to your throat. Of course he would never harm you, the knives were way too scary to even be near you.

"Either France or Canada, very different places, I think the Canada one is some old Victorian place, and the France is some... I don't know, guess we'll find out." He spoke dejectedly, he felt like repeatedly slapping something, with a blade, extremely hard. Anywho, apparently most of the members in this family claim the title of "big shot businesspeople" and they littered the leaderboards across the globe. So moving half across the world was no problem, it would be good to get out of the tiny town they've resided in for the past 3 years.

"Well then, we have a watermelon that someone needs to cut, and a perfectly good set of blades, I do wonder who will do that..." Ace mockingly questioned, not giving one glance from his book. B/n was asleep on the autamin not far away from the two boys, snoring softy while the "grown ups" backed away as far as they could from the brat. Slade popped out of his chair, and immediately yeeted himself into the kitchen, willing to take his anger out in a watermelon instead of a certain toddlers head... yikes

"Bye bye, tell me if she wakes up!" He spoke one last word before disappearing out the door. On the inside, ace was also angry for being left here, he had already spent so much time with the boy! Like a whole goddamn week, of course it let him get closer to you, but that didn't matter cause the whole time you were fussing about him, every. Little. Detail.  You weren't annoying Ace at all, he actually loved seeing this mother hen side of you, it's just that it was faced towards... him, ugh

You had already been here for about a month, while it had only been a few weeks for b/n, and pretty much the entire family's patience was running thin, he did nothing but hang on you arm all day and suck on his fingers! It isn't like he gave any benefit to you, and you just catered to all of his needs with nothing but a smile! That little brat has to be brainwashing you right? He had to go, like soon, hopefully before the move, then no worries about you forming more of an attachment on the boy would have to be delt with.


———————- with the police ——————

The entire force heard muttering under a mans breath on the other side  of the paint-chipped door, eyes widened at the voice of the man, it sounded scruffy, and forced, as if someone had been screaming for their entire life, ms Kim, officer Oikawa, and officer eren shared a knowing look together, glancing at eachother slightly before going back to the door. Eren knocked again, this time yelling louder

"YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO OPEN THIS DOOR OR WE WILL TAKE ACTION AND FOECE IT OPEN OURSELVES" he spoke, giving one last warning, hoping that the man opened the door, the only time he'd ever kicked open a door, it was because of terrible, terrible reasons.

And although this was interesting, he hoped that you had just taken a break off of school and work, and that this wasn't going to be a horrible case. And then the door slammed open, revealing a man with a plastered smile on his face.

"Hello officers! What could I do for you today?" He spoke, leaning across the door as if to hide something, a clear sign of suspicious behavior. Ms Kim felt like she'd seen the man before, oh that's right! He had screamed at her after she refused to lend him money for "educational library shit". He smelled of alcohol, and had the very strong scent of weed in his breath. She had instead chosen to ban him from the liberal forever, and had to call on a security guard to escort him out "nicely" as he struggled.

"We're on an investigation on this young female y/n l/n, we have been informed That this is where she has lived, it is unusual that her caretaker hasn't said anything about her current missing situation. You are her father, correct?" He spoke, taking on the role of "professional policeman", your father resisted the urge to scowl and break his nice guy face.

"Yes that would be me, she hadn't come home for the past month... I was hoping that she was spending time with, um, her aunt! Yeah, I was actually planning on reporting it today... so" he lied straight through his teeth, your father himself went about insane with you gone, you stopped funding them, and he had been fired, so he scraped up the scraps of spending for over the years and hoped it would be enough to kee himself fed. with the rage boiling inside him, at you for walking away with HIS money, but also at his wife for leaving him for some 90 year old whose on life support. And now the cops on his ass... his life couldn't get any worse, karmas a bitch isn't it?

"That sure is peculiar isn't it? Because as far as the world and records know, she doesn't have any other family than her younger brother, and her closely related parents, are you lying to us mr l/n?" Officer oikawa spoke out, smirking, clearly this man was hiding something, and he wasn't prepared for questioning, so these answers were made up on the spot. They had to get into that house, it smelled like blood and mildew, from the second that door opened he could smell it.

"I- ugh no, she has an aunt, somewhere in- Texas or something." He continued on with the lie, looking down, and fidgeting. He was totally lying, and it was clear too all three of the people in front of the door, two of them being officers who had to deal with lying people constantly, while ms Kim delt with tiny little toddlers and 4 year olds who break things all the time. You have to pay attention to detail, or something always ends up in fire or covered In paint. A visible sweat shone clearly on f/ns face at the blank stares of the three. Then the pushing started, trying to get the "police"out of his extremely suspicious house.

"I'm afraid I don't believe you sir, so I will ask you to move so we can search the house for anything skeptical." Eren stated once more, before shoving past the man, and instantly spotting it.

The walls

And the bloodstains coating them in streams

No authors note today, have a great day :)

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