Chapter 33- purple flowers

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I need opinions, is this chapter a little too much? I'm squeamish as hell so even small horror-like scenes make me feel the nasty nast, so  I might change this later.


5 days before the move


( I'm sorry if the days don't match up, I'm trying)

You were cold, just freezing your ass off, last you remembered these hallways weren't litterally frigid. You had wandered out of bed late at night because you had to pee, and for some reason decided that it would be best to go out into the dim hallway, at like 2:00 a.m in the morning , instead of going to the small bathroom that you had like 10 feet away from you. But noOoO your Brian currently was not a functioning member of your body at the moment.

In short, you were cold, lost, and still had to pee.

You just wandered around, white blanket in hand, and tried your best to not fall asleep in the middle of the hallway, looking left to right,, was it your half asleep dumbass or did the decorations all change? Instead of the burnt orange the flowers that adorned the banisters, there were purple pink ones, and no more photos were displayed across any of the large decorative tables and chairs. So essentially, other than the paintings on the walls, you lost all info of the mapping of this house, and you would remain lost until someone found you. Which you highly doubdted someone to find you at 2:oo in the morning.

" I think I made a wrong turn... everywhere, how the heckadoodle do they expect me to bivigate this house? It's a whole fricking maze in here" you grumbled under your breath, visibly annoyed at the fact that you had none, nada, zilch, zero idea where you were. Hell, you could be walking right out the door and not even realize it at this point.  You could settle in one of the decorative chairs, but the. You'd have to explain to one of the worried family members why you were there, and get a scolding for waking around so early without supervision, and so you kept on walking.

And walking

And walking

Until you felt like crying, like your legs were gonna die, and like your little feet were gonna fall off. Somehow going left over and over and over really hadn't helped you all that much, and you were probably more lost than you were at the start. You immediately paused when you heard the voice of your (hopefully) savior, immediately walking towards the noise,
But pausing at the actual contents spilling out of his mouth.

"Are you sure were far away enough? If she sees this or hears it, or in fact has anything to do with it, she'll freak out and all the trust we've built with her with set on fire, and I don't want that, we can't let that happen, if we- could go a little fa-" you heard a voice ring out on the turn of the hallway, you wondered who the "she" was, could it be your mother? Your aunt? More importantly, what the hell was such a secret that they have to keep it hidden from this " she ".

"We're fine, this house is huge, and we're about half a fucking mile awaw, quit panicking or your gonna make Mom freak out" another spoke up, you decided that it was better to eavesdrop for the moment,  there are like 3 mothers in this family, is that means that at least one of them is with these particular family members in their plotting.

"Alright then, this is going to be so fun! You go my knife? I've been getting my practice in!"Another voice piped in, you could guess who that is, slade was the only one you knew in this house that was obsessed with knives. Although you really hadn't seen him use them unless he'd been cutting some fruit to eat. What did he need knives for?

"No blood, this has to be clean and seamless, as much as he is cute, I hate that she continues to be fooled by his pretty face and not realize
How disgusting he is, there cannot be any evidence, so you will not get to use a knife today." a deeper voice breathed out, the clanging of something metal could be heard from inside the threshold, you were pressed against the wall, trying to breathe as quiet as possible. We're they taking about you and b/n?

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