Arc 4.14

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"Okay, it's so late. Let's go back and rest. I'll talk about something tomorrow."

"it is good."

When the crowd dispersed, Meng Zezhi turned to look at Qin Yaochen who was hidden in the night: "Let's go back too."

With that, he raised his foot and walked towards the corridor.

Qin Yaochen looked at his back, tightened the corners of his lips, and followed.

Back at the residence, Meng Zezhi sighed lightly, turned around and asked, "Are you hungry, do you want to eat something?"

Qin Yaochen's eyebrows drooped slightly, and said lightly, "Yes."

"Then make glutinous rice **** with wine."

This is Qin Yaochen's favorite.

After speaking, Meng Zezhi raised his foot to the portable gas stove and took out a bottle of glutinous rice fermented rice, a packet of small glutinous rice balls, a packet of white sugar and a small can of Chinese wolfberry from the space.

Soon, a sweet smell filled the air.

The glutinous rice **** were put on the table, and the two of them ate silently, each other speechless, only the crisp sound of the collision between the spoon and the small bowl was left in their ears.

After supper, Meng Zezhi went into the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks, and Qin Yaochen went to the bathroom.

When Meng Zezhi came out of the kitchen, Qin Yaochen was already lying on the bed.

Meng Zezhi lifted the quilt and climbed onto the bed, hugged him from behind, and kissed the top of his hair: "Say it if you have something to say, don't hold it back."

Qin Yaochen stared at the pattern on the bed sheet blankly. For a long time, he said, "I feel a little confused."

Qin Yaochen's family background was not good. His mother had a dystocia when he gave birth, and the bleeding was gone. To support his family, his father was forced to leave his hometown and work in coastal cities. Before leaving, his father entrusted him and his grandmother with a broken leg to the care of a neighbor.

Saying it’s taking care of it, in fact, it means taking care of three meals a day, washing clothes every three to five times. No matter how much it is, people also have their own people to take care of.

Father is away all year round, and grandma can take care of herself very well. Qin Yaochen has no one to take care of, and his body is always in tatters. The classmates are not willing to be at the same table with him, let alone bully him.

This is Qi Liang, who doesn't dislike his dirty body, and is willing to be friends with him.

For Qin Yaochen, in his bleak childhood, Qi Liang was like a light, illuminating his little life.

He missed that period of innocence, at least the friendship between him and Qi Liang at that time was real.

Only later, Xu was short of love, or was influenced by a pair of homosexuals in the village. Gradually, he developed an admiration for Qi Liang, and this friendship also deteriorated.

But Qin Yaochen knew that he who was as humble as dust was not worthy of Qi Liang who could compete with Haoyue for glory, so he had never dared to do anything to Qi Liang.

Later, his father died. He died of illness. In order to treat him, the family's savings were spent, and he even owed a large foreign debt. Qin Yaochen had no choice. After graduating from high school, he gave up his favorite pharmaceutical major and chose to apply for the National Defense University where he did not have to pay tuition fees and repay subsidies.

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