Arc 5.5

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The Cheng family's food is really good, especially after Mr. Cheng's condition began to improve, the food level has risen linearly.

In the morning, the steamed dumplings and noodles, lunch and dinner are three dishes and one soup plus a dessert. The staple food is either rice or pancakes, real rice and white noodles.

It is ginseng chicken soup, which Meng Zezhi has drunk twice.

——After all, his family's Cheng Guangzhi is in the black market and is not short of money.

God knows that before Meng Zezhi had eaten sweet potatoes and seafood for two months, he almost vomited.

But even if the Cheng family's food is good, Meng Zezhi doesn't plan to stay here anymore.

"Congratulations, old man, the condition has been controlled." Meng Zezhi retracted his hand on the pulse of old man Cheng and said with a smile.

"Thanks to Doctor Lin." The old man panted lightly, his face unable to hide his excitement. He was lying on the bed. Although he was still very weak, his complexion looked much better.

"I'll prescribe a few more prescriptions for you." Meng Zezhi said.

Hearing this, Dr. Zhao, who was waiting on the side, quickly handed him the pen and medical record in his hand.

Dr. Zhao's mood is not ordinary complicated.

He received orthodox modern medical education. Like most of his colleagues, in his eyes, Chinese medicine is pseudoscience and should be swept into the garbage dump of history.

But he had witnessed Meng Zezhi's pulling Old Man Cheng back from the brink of death with his own eyes.

Is this still the Chinese medicine in his cognition?

Shocked, confused, embarrassed... Finally all turned into frustration.

If he had studied Chinese medicine, he would be so good, at least he wouldn't be blinded, and he didn't even know how he was cured of Old Man Cheng.

"Thank you."

Meng Zezhi took the pen and paper and made three prescriptions in a row.

After careful inspection, he handed the prescription to Cheng Jichang.

"What are you?" Cheng Jichang looked suspicious.

Meng Zezhi explained: "Since the old man's condition has been brought under control, I don't have to stare at it all the time. I only need to use the decoction to slowly adjust the old man's body."

He exhorted: "I gave serial numbers to these three prescriptions, one dose each morning, noon and evening, for a month, and one month later, I will give the old man another injection and change to a new prescription by the way."

"okay then."

Now that Meng Zezhi had spoken, even if the Cheng family wanted to keep him.

Although the Cheng family is powerful, who can let the family hold his father's life in his hands. Moreover, his family dared not offend a doctor who can cure even terminal illnesses, and they might have to ask for a visit someday, so they have always been polite to Meng Zezhi. No matter how much doubt Meng Zezhi's identity is in his heart, he just doesn't know what to do.

"Why don't you stay at my house for a few more days, these days you have been by my side, and you haven't been out much, I will let Guangzhi accompany you to play in the city for a few days..."

"No," Meng Zezhi said with a smile: "I understand the kindness of the old man. Isn't it that my daughter will have a monthly vacation tomorrow, just going back with her. And your daughter-in-law will be back tonight?"

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