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King Aleric slowly drifted out of sleep. He could feel the warmth of the morning sun hitting his face.

A gentle breeze brush by carrying a soft melody. The tune was so beautiful and so calming he was tempted to fall back into his peaceful slumber.

His mind immediately shot to the events that happened. His thoughts became flooded with her fleeting image.


He must find her.

He needed to find her. What on earth was he doing resting?

He tried to force his eyes open, but they were still swollen shut and a think peace of material was keeping them that way. He began to panic not thinking straight.

"Shh it's okay. Your eyes should be able to open within the next few hours, I've just covered them with some medicinal herbs." The gentle voice from moments ago appeared near him.

"I'm sorry, but I need to go." Aleric reached for the cloth covering his eyes.

Soft hands stopped him by clasping his own, "Don't. You need to recover."

"Miss, I thank you for your kindness and help but I really need to be on my way." Aleric's voice was stern and unreasoning.

"At least wait a bit longer before you do. Whatever you are allergic to needs to completely pass through your system."

Aleric wanted to frustratingly grumble but he saw reason in this kind stranger's words. He anxiously complied with her and agreed to wait for a while.

Whoever she was, he would have to compensate her generously for her help but first he needed to find Erica.

Erica watched the man before her relieved that he would wait for a bit longer to allow her natural remedies to take full effect. She had picked up a few tricks from her time staying with Ron.

One of Ron's regular patients seemed to have a body that was allergic to almost everything and was a constant part of Ron's daily jobs. Ron had numerous remedies and concoctions ready for almost any type of allergic system that the poor man would get from an outbreak of hives to bad hay fever.

Erica was fortunate to help the sweet old physician when it came to mixing most these and was quick to learn some of the key ingredients. Some of which were what appeared to be common weeds that could easily be found on most forest floors.

Her little mix that she had applied to Aleric's eyes was not quite complete, but she hoped it would do just enough and bring down the swelling.

Erica had been nervous about remaining with Aleric. The moment he had stirred, she had been so ready to bolt but his panicked state kept her rooted to the ground. She felt her chest ache and knew that she could not leave him.

She prayed that he would not recognise her. She was fortunate enough to have never said a word to him before so as far as Aleric knew, she was still mute.

Erica planned to leave and give herself a head start before Aleric removed the material blocking his eyes. She planned to leave last minute.

Unfortunately, Erica underestimated one thing. King Aleric was a very determined man and in his anxious state to find her, his patience was running thin.

Before even ten minutes had even passed, he slowly and cautiously began to lift the material up. His eye lids began to crack open allowing the bright sunlight to drift in.

Erica had her back to him momentarily while she unknowingly hummed a soft melodious tune. Her voice was as pure as ever and almost made her seem as if she was not a part of this world.

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