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Erica could not help but let out a soft groan as she sat up. The bed creaked as she swung her legs over the side.

She could feel the stiffness in her joints as she rose to her feet before glancing around the room. It was the same room that King Aleric had brought her to before.

She last remembered being with Walter, waiting anxiously at his side while he lay unconscious.

Is he okay?

She was worried, very worried. She blamed herself for his injury, if she was more alert, she could have prevented it.

He had shielded her from the Countess's blade...

She was the reason that he was hurt. If it wasn't for her...

Erica shook the thoughts away. It was more important that she found him first before she allowed herself to be more consumed by self-hate. She needed to see him with her own eyes. She wanted to know if he was okay.

It was not long before she had made herself presentable and was out wondering the corridors. It was unfortunate that she did not know her way around the Palace, it was like a maze and there was no servant in sight that could assist.

Before she even knew it, she was completely lost. It was strange that she had not seen a single soul throughout her wandering. She could not help but question where everyone had disappeared off to.

"Erica." A deep voice called behind her.

Erica turned around, relieved that she could finally ask someone for help or rather directions. Her relief was unfortunately short lived as her eyes met the stoic form of her father, Count Alvore.

Erica's breath hitched, lodging itself deep in her throat. She did not know how to feel in this moment.

His cold eyes never left her as he watched her closely not saying a word.

She hated it.

"Um..." Her voice was soft almost a whisper. She did not know what to say nor what to do in this moment. Nothing could have prepared her for it, "Count Alvore." She dropped her gaze uncomfortably acknowledging the man.

"Erica." He repeated almost as if he were reassuring himself, "Have... Have you been well?"

His words felt forced. Erica shifted her weight uncomfortably on her feet. She wanted to run for the hills instead of facing the man before her.

"Yes." Her voice was strained.

"Listen. I just want you to know that I had nothing to do with what happened. That woman acted out on her own." The Count frowned momentarily breaking his expressionless facade.

Erica was taken back by his words. Anger began to seep into her veins, a foreign feeling. She could not believe the man before her.

"You do not need to worry about her anymore, you can come home now." The Count spoke again, his voice cold.

"You blame her for all of this?" Erica looked at him wide eyed, she was astounded, "You really disappoint me..."

She wanted to leave and was about to turn around, but the Count would not let her.

"It seems the years have taken a toll on your manners, to speak to me with such a tone. If anyone is allowed to be disappointed it should be me." He was not impressed by her behaviour; he had expected his daughter to be overjoyed to be reunited with him again after all those years spent apart.

Erica let out a breath. The longer she faced him, the more she wanted to leave. She did not want to deal with him right now.

It felt weird seeing him like this. She used to love spending time with the stoic man, reaching for every moment with eager when he paid attention to her.

Her feelings now were vastly different. She felt disapproval with not only herself but with him too.

"I do not want to deal with this. I have more important matters to attend to. Please continue to leave me be like you have been for the past couple of years."

"Erica." His tone became dark and reprimanding, "Enough with this foolishness. You are to return home immediately where we will deal with this properly."

"That place is no home of mine." Although Erica's voice was soft, it was strong and unwavering.

"It will always be your home. It became your home from the moment I brought you in through those doors." The Count narrowed his eyes.

"No. You are wrong." Erica's eyes began to water but she forced herself to hold back the tears, "Once, a long time ago it was my home, but it is no more."

"I made a promise Erica."

"I do not care. Now please," Erica turned and began walking away, "Excuse me."

"It was to your mother."

Erica froze in her steps, her hand instinctively reaching for the bracelet on her wrist as a million questions began flooding her mind.

Her mother...

The Count never spoke about her. It was like a forbidden topic.

Erica had once made the mistake of asking when she was little. It was no avail; the Count remained silent on the matter and avoided the entire family for a week after.

Everyone knew he was discomposed by the question. His avoidance was upsetting to all the other members and her sister Sibyl was quick to throw a tantrum and do nasty things to Erica while the Count was out of sight.

Never again did she bring up her mother in fear of upsetting his mood resulting in mistreatment from her family.

The only thing she was ever allowed to know of her mother was the necklace which she now had to wear around her wrist thanks to Sibyl.

The Count continued, he took note of how his words had evoked a reaction from Erica, "I promised her that I would take you in and provide for you as my own."

Erica's eyes widened as she turned to face him, "Your own?" It was if she was speaking to herself, allowing his words to sink in.

"I loved her..." The Count spoke lifting his eyes away from Erica. "I loved her so much, but she did not love me the way I loved her."

The Count's lips turned into a saddened smile as he reminisced the days he spent with Erica's mother, "She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. In another life I would have done whatever I could have to have her hand but as a married man I had responsibilities. She too was promised to another."

Count Alvore finally looked at Erica again, "You resemble her so much..."

There was a brief silence as Erica waited for the Count to continue but the man did not.

"Who was she?" Erica could not help but desperately ask. She did not know if a chance like this would come again.

The Count could see the desperation in Erica's eyes, "Your mother was seventh in line to the throne of the now fallen kingdom of Ruiria."

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