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"Your Majesty and my Lords and Ladies of the court," Ron bowed, "My name is Tyron Merrick. I have served this kingdom for over forty years."

There was a brief silence before Ron continued, "A few moons ago a very interesting patient was brought to my door. One of the local farmers had found her washed up along their riverbed."

Ron frown at the memory, "The girl was badly injured and lay unconscious for around five days. Upon inspection of her wounds, I was alarmed to discover clear indications of abuse."

Aleric's knuckles began to whiten as a result of Ron's words.

"Bruising under the fingernails - a clear indication of a sharp pointed object forcefully pushed beneath them," Ron tried his hardest to keep his anger intact, "I further discovered that she had been poisoned. A harsh poison concocted with the primary intention of leaving one mute. The girl had been unknowingly consuming it for years."

A shocked silence filled the room before soft murmurs began to sprout. Most were inaudible but it was clear that the Court was taken back by Ron's findings.

"I have treated her to the best of my abilities," Ron looked to the King, "That is all I can report of my findings."

"You think that Mother and I did that?!" Sibyl was fuming. She could feel the hateful gazes that blamed her for what had happened to Erica, "That girl is lying through her teeth! I don't care what that pathetic man's medical report says, it is false. I think I would definitely remember hurting her."

Aleric's eyes narrowed down on her. His sharp eyes pierced through her skin as she continued on with her little banter.

Sibyl was quick to notice that she had gained attention like any girl would when such a gorgeous man was looking at them. She misread him and assumed that Aleric was falling for her words as he believed her, so she continued, more confident now.

"Erica," She almost spat out her name, "Has always been jealous of me. She always took my stuff and broke my things. She often used to hurt me and then pretend to be all innocent. I would not be surprised if she fabricated these lies to try and ruin my life. She is either faking being hurt or hurt herself to make Mother and I look bad. She has always been selfish like that."

Sibyl felt proud of herself for that convincing little banter. She wanted the Court just to see how terrible and rotten her so called sister was. She believed that their silence was just them reevaluating the situation.

"Really now?" Aleric wanted to laugh. He was definitely not happy, but he needed to keep his composure until the end.

"Yes." Sibyl smiled still misreading his expression, "And Mother agrees with me." She looked over to the Countess.

The Countess's expression was blank, but her eyes were cold. She did not say a word and suddenly in that moment Sibyl could tell something was very wrong.

"Well Countess?" The King looked over to her, a smile dancing on his lips as if daring her to speak while his chin rested on the palm of his hand as his elbow balanced on the arm rest of his throne.

"No comment." The Countess lifted her head, her eyes challenging him definitely.

As if King Aleric expected her answer his eyes moved away to Louis indicating for him to continue with the trial.

Louis gave a nod and stepped forward again.

"The second accomplice shall now step forward as a competent witness. He has been granted amnesty under direct decree of his Majesty."

The second man took a step to the front and bowed before the King. The way he carried himself was a clear indication of his knighthood even with his lack of amour and sword. When he rose, his express was clear and strong.

"I, Sir Codrin, am a knight sponsored by the house Alvore. I have served as the head of the guards in charge of the protection of the estate and its members." The man made the mistake of glancing over to the Countess when he spoke. Her disappointed eyes bored deep into his flesh, but he stood his ground. "Moons ago the Countess Alvore ordered myself and one of my men to retrieve the youngest Alvore daughter from her confinement. We did not know at the time just who exactly she was, but rumours had been circulating for years about the evil person who had been confined to a room deep within the East wing."

The knight took a deep breath, "That night I was ordered to hold down the young Miss as the Countess Alvore tortured her under the guise of enforcing punishment."

"What was the reason for the punishment?" Louis forced himself to ask calmly as he too was fighting back from attacking the Countess then and there.

The knight had a hardened expression, but his eyes remained clear, "A punishment on the grounds of breaking a previous one. The young Miss apparently had been seen by an Alvore member. The Countess based this on the fact that her name resurfaced during a conversation when it should not have."

"Who?" The question was immediate, it almost felt like a command. It came from the King.

"I believe the member to be Commander Walter." The knight bowed his head respectively as he spoke to the King.

Aleric's eyes trailed to the said person. He found his Commander and dear friend standing at the back against the wall having slipped into the Court moments after the King entered. Walter's expression had been deadly throughout the entire trial causing many near him to uncomfortably shift away. His expression now held shock.

Walter had never hated himself more than he did in that very moment. It suddenly made sense why Erica had been so afraid of him. She believed that he intentionally had sold her out to the Countess and was the reason he had been tortured.

He felt so pained.

How could he have done something so stupid?

Walter was suddenly filled with rage. No, this was the Countess's doing. She was the one who used him as an excuse to hurt Erica.

"Your Majesty," The knight could not help but frown, "I'm afraid the details of that night were very unsettling and although you have granted me amnesty, I still played a part. Please reconsider my pardon and punish me instead. I cannot live with myself should you not. I am greatly ashamed to the point that I wish to revoke my title as a knight." He looked down at the floor.

"Declined." King Aleric's response was immediate.

"I believe there is more to your story Sir Codrin." Louis did not give the knight a chance to plea to the King once again.

"I..." The knight shot one last glance over to Aleric before looking back at Louis and the Court, "Yes there is more."

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