Chapter 11 Abduction

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It's been a month since the big battle. All Might has been tirelessly hunting the remaining forces of All for one even with his limited time. The battle had done a number on him as he could only go into his mucled form for about 22 hour which may seem long but it is decreasing by the day. When he is not in that form he looks skinny, sickly and occasionally spits blood if he stays muscled too long. They have yet to find more villains similar to the one he had captured that day. It was mindless husk due to the host body being forced to hold multiple quirks.

Izuku was out, having dealt with another group of skirmisher on his way to the store to get some snacks. He kinda missed their little skirmishes even if they're boring. All Might had a press conference announcing his nearing retirement which caused an uproar but he calmed them down saying he will still be on the job for the next decade to allow time for more heroes to take his place.

"My time may be drawing near but I trust with my reminder of time more heroes will rise to surpass me and go even further beyond. Plus Ultra!"

The speach had a great impact on hero society. Many heroes who heard this felt a fire in their hearts to do better, to carve their name into the tapestry of history.

Izuku was walking past an alleyway when preemptive warning activated knowing something was going to fly towards his neck. He dodged but a portal appeared behind him as a metal shackle closes around his neck. He reached up to remove it but he passes out, before he can hit the ground a portal opens and he falls into it.

This incident does not go unnoticed as a few passersby began to call for heroes and police for aid. They arrived and began taking witness reports while the scene was surveyed. They find nothing but a dropped bag of snacks. The appearance of the child was sent to heroes to embiggen the search area.


Inko was at home doing some chores.

'Izuku should be back by now. Did the other kids fight him again?'

She heard a knock on the door. She opened the door to Nezu with a serious face.

"Inko, Izuku has been taken."

Inko in shock goes to sit down on the couch.


"We believe it's was All for One's closest aids as they would've been the only ones to know of his condition."

A river of tears began to flow out of Inko as Nezu tried to comfort her.

"Don't worry All Might's already out searching along with many other heroes. We'll find him soon, safe and sound. "


The doctor began trying to study the boy's dna but progress is slow as every sample decays too quickly to get anything substantial. He tried to study his skin cells but the results were the same. He was running out of time as he knew that All Might had begun his search and the boy's quirk was adapting by the second to completely invalidate the shackle's hold. In a last ditch effort he tried to pump the boy's blood into his masters pod. The blood saturated the nutritional liquid in the pod making it opaque. After a few seconds the liquid drained from the pod revealing a fully healed but unconscious All for One.

His masters body was taken to an examination table as the doctor marveled at the sight of the heald flrsh but the doctor had forgotten one small detail, the boy's quirk was ravenous. As All for One's body began seizing and and shacking knocking over the table, the top of his head and his right arm began to slowly and painfully rip itself off. Muffle sounds of pain came from his mouth. The tendrils still stuck to his body snapping as it pulled away. The doctor looked in disgust as the final tendril snapped and the chunks of flesh splated on the cold ground. The wound on All for One's head and arm slowly closed and healed over but blood was slowly pooling in his mouth. The doctor quickly ordered the nomu to place him back into the pod.

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