Chapter 44 : Interview Training

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After returning from Nabu Island classes resumed as normal. The time they spent there was fruitful and relaxing not counting the thwarted villain attack on the island. The media had gotten wind of the incident and praised Midoriya for handling it without disrupting the townspeople's lives. The actual fight wasn't recorded but reports were released by the HPSC to set the public record straight.

Midoriya was now in Nezu's office with Nezu, All Might, Nighteye, and Grant Torino. They were all sitting by the coffee table with a cup of tea in hand pondering what Midoriya had told them.

"You want to give away All for One? Why? Do you want another Shigaraki to appear?"

"Yes and no Sasaki. When I said to All Might no one should shoulder the burden of peace alone I meant it."

"But you will be around for a long time. Even then you could make clones of yourself and the current heroes to keep the world safe."

"While that is true they will still be all a result of me. I alone would be in control of worldwide safety. I don't want to take away the dreams of so many. If I alone stand against evil then progress will stagnate more than it already has. Every problem could be solved just by calling Invincible. It will bring an end to progress."

"... Then who do you think should get all for one?"

"There was a kid on Nabu Island Katsuma. His quirk is cell activation which allows him to activate the cells in his own and other's bodies to accelerate healing. Nine was heavily modified when I met him and he had a weaker variant of all for one so whoever will get the quirk will need to survive a bit of pain from either their own quirk changing their body or me using overhaul to keep them alive long enough for that to happen."

"How about Melissa? She would love to be able to research the quirk."

"I could give it to her but she will need to consent to the procedure and be informed of the risks of it. In the meantime, I'll keep looking for potential candidates."

The group agreed to the proposal but Nezu stipulated that he be the first to be informed of them to do a background check. But that wasn't all that they were going to discuss today.

"All Might I think I've gotten a hang of overhaul and rewind to bring you back into your prime. Do you still want to stay number 1 for a bit longer? Your embers are almost gone."

"I would want nothing more Midoriya."

"We should get to Recovery Girl first before we do anything. Lord knows that she'll throw a fit if she wasn't there to monitor your vitals."

The procedure went well having aged All Might back into his prime but that couldn't be said for the embers. His time limit had increased from his previous 1 hour 40 to 3 hours. His small form no longer existed but he had a new medium form nicknamed Some Might. After confirming his new limits he tried to run out to do some hero work but was pulled by the ear by both Recovery Girl and Gran Torino. Getting sat down Recovery Girl began to explain his new routine to make sure he was fully healthy he had to be monitored for a few days and be kept on a controlled diet as he hadn't been able to eat much of anything without his stomach.


It was around this time where Todoroki and Bakugou's interview was premiered. Earlier in the month, they were interviewed in the dorms. The interview was a disaster as only recordings of Todoroki made it to air. Bakugou was completely removed from the broadcast due to his violent language. While Todoroki was shown, he wasn't interview material only giving single-word answers to every question. The class had a good laugh at their expense with Bakugou digging his grave deeper and Todoroki confused why the way he acted was odd.

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