Chapter 42 : Joint Training

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Months pass as Todoroki and Bakugou went to their remedial lessons for their provisional licences. They have been going to them diligently though Bakugou keeps harping on about everyone else not slacking off so that he will be challenged by the class.

The Hero Billboard Chart JP was drawing near. Everyone except for Todoroki was in the lounge waiting for the event to begin. The class was speculating on who was going to be in the top ten. Of course, All Might was still number 1 though at a decreased capacity. The event began as the announcer started it off.

The top ten were introduced in descending order starting with number 10 who was Gang Orca who was followed by the rest of the top tens. Each hero spoke of their new goals or a reinforcement of their resolve. At number 1 was All Might who went on stage in small might form. The audience quieted down as he was given the microphone.

"Hello everyone I Am Here for maybe the last time. My time limit has been dropping as I wind down my activities as a hero. I have been this nation's symbol for 35 years upholding the peace for all that time. I said many years ago that new heroes will need to rise to hold up this society. The time has come and I look forward to seeing what they all could do. Go Beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!"


"Die All Might!"

A gun barrel could be seen above the crowd as it fired. Time slowed as the crowd waited for the shot to land but it never did. In the path of the bullet appeared a green portal swallowing the bullet. The crowd looked at the portal as it vanished. In front of the assailant, a larger green portal opened and from it Invincible walked through. The attacker fired his gun at him but every bullet that hit him crumpled and fell to the floor. Midoriya grabbed them by the neck and used confession.

"Who are you with?"

"What? I'm alone."


Midoriya's eyes widen as he uses barrier to cover the entire hall and stage. A bullet impacts the outside of the barrier causing it to ripple. Midoriya scanned the outside and found a sniper on a rooftop quickly packing away their weapon. Warping him into the barrier without his gun he is wrapped in green construct bands that extend to the ground to keep him upright. The same happens to the first assailant.

"Now this is all of you."


Just then security pushed their way to Midoriya's location and cuffed the attackers while thanking Midoriya for his help. One of the onlookers walked up to Midoriya phones in hand.

"Hi, Chitose Kizuki from Shoowaysha Publishing. I think I speak for everyone in the nation that we thank you for protecting All Might. I wanted to ask you why did you step in? Surely there are security measures that would have ensured that All Might was protected."

"When I saw the barrel in the crowd I knew I needed to act. All Might had already used his time for the day and using anymore would have further reduced the time he had as a hero. I stepped in because who wouldn't? I'm sure everyone watching even the heroes on stage wanted to step in even if they were the ones that would've gotten shot."

"I see. Will you be staying for the rest of the event?"

"No, I won't. I'll need to go back to the dorms. They should be very surprised that I just disappeared from the couch."

"Wait, before you go. Do you have anything to say to the villains that plan to strike All Might again?"

Midoriya looked around and found the camera recording the event. Looking straight into the camera as it zoomed closer.

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