Chapter no.3 I choose you part 3

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Austin stepped out of the Ranch, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of Delia or the group of people from the anime. But to his surprise, they were nowhere to be seen.

'Well, that's one thing that's different.' Austin thought knowing it would take a while to force himself to call Delia 'Mom', but he didn't want to make her worry about what happened to the real 'Ash'.

The sun beat down on his skin, its rays scorching the earth. The vast expanse of land stretched out before him, with its rolling hills and barren trees. The dry wind howled, kicking up dust and debris that swirled around his feet.

He tugged at the collar of his pajamas, feeling sweat bead on his forehead. His eyes darted to Pikachu, who was standing a few feet away from him, his back turned.

He cleared his throat, trying to get Pikachu's attention.

"So come on, Pikachu," he said, but the Electric Mouse didn't even turn to look at him. "Pikachu. Pika Pi."

Austin frowned, wondering if Pikachu was already ignoring him. He remembered how Ash had gained Pikachu's trust during the Spearow incident. But he didn't want to pull that stunt. He shook his head, dismissing the thought.

"Come on, don't I get the benefit of the doubt for not putting you in the Pokeball?" Austin asked, his voice laced with desperation.

Pikachu just stared at him blankly, his tone suggesting an insult that Austin couldn't quite comprehend. He glanced down at his pajamas, realizing that Pikachu probably wasn't taking him seriously.

Sighing, Austin walked back to Prof. Oak's lab as Pikachu scratched his head with his foot before coming out wearing rubber gloves he picked Pikachu up causing the Electric Mouse to try and electrocute him, and yet nothing was happening.

"I'll put you down in a few minutes, but I just want to go home and change out of these Pajamas," Austin said to Pikachu as the Mouse was giving him a death glare.

On making it to the house, Austin put Pikachu down who growled at him, clearly not impressed. "Hey, you were the one that didn't want to go anywhere," Austin snapped back. "Look, can't we just have a compromise?"

Pikachu raised an eyebrow, waiting for Austin's proposal.

"We go through Route 1, and if you still don't like me by the time we get to Viridian, you can go your way," Austin offered, holding out his hand. "Deal?"

Pikachu frowned, a hint of suspicion in his eyes. He was expecting Austin to break the deal, even if he agreed. "Pika Pi Chu Pika!" he exclaimed, his cheeks sparking with electricity.

Delia emerged from her humble abode, eyes squinting in the morning sun. And there, in the company of her beloved Pikachu, stood Ash. Or at least, that's who she thought it was.

"Ash, is that you?" she asked tentatively, noting something was amiss.

But Ash's reply was hesitant, laced with a hint of panic. "Uh, yeah, I panicked when I woke up, Mrs-er, Mom."

Pikachu regarded him with a curious gaze, almost as if he knew something was off. But before Delia could press any further, she picked up the yellow Pokemon, and in one smooth motion, rubbed the spot in between his ears. And just like that, Pikachu's mind was filled with pure bliss.

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