Chapter no.120 Cynthia and Austin

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"Damn!" Casey cursed, looking up at Austin. "If not for your dumb luck it would have been my win."

Austin tilted his head in recognition of her comments, something that made the girl grow even more indignant.

"Go, Chikorita!" Casey yelled, revealing her last and final pokémon.

An extremely cute sauropod pokémon appeared in front of Austin and Scyther. Chikorita had a pale white body coloration with a large, green leaf on her head. Surrounding her neck, were vine buds in a pattern of a necklace.

Austin looked at Scyther as he wanted to bang his head against the wall.

Scyther was damaged from the electric attacks that he tanked from Electabuzz.

Why didn't he teach Scyther any healing moves?

Austin tried to return Scyther only to fail as Scyther looked at Austin and the look in his eyes told him everything.

Scyther still wanted to battle.

Taking a deep breath, Austin's eyes opened with determination.

If his partner doesn't want to back down then he will oblige by doing the same.

" Casey's last pokémon is a Chikorita. Can Chikorita win against the injured Scyther and then defeat whatever mystery Pokémon Ash has kept for his second and third battler?"

As if in answer, Chikorita sent a couple of razor leaf attacks towards Scyther which were completely blocked by Scyther's razor wind

"Chikorita, use roar ."

A loud ear-piercing roar erupted from Chikorita as Scyther was forcefully switched out with the small confused Charmander who immediately readied himself as he gazed at Chikorita.

" Use Dragon Pulse, Charmander," Austin commanded, and almost instantly, a sphere of draconic energy hit Chikorita right in the face, sending her off, tumbling down towards the end of the rocky field.

Meanwhile seeing this  Cynthia's eyes narrowed as a thought filled her head.

' How is that possible ?!'

"I forfeit," Casey spoke up suddenly.

"Are you sure?" The referee asked.

Casey nodded.

" Chikorita cannot defeat Charmander, and Ash still has another pokémon unused, besides Scyther. Continuing the battle would only drag it out, nothing else."

Austin stood shocked at that, before a tiny smile formed on his lips. "It was a good battle, Casey. Your Electabuzz was one tough nut."

"And don't forget that." Casey scoffed, before recalling Chikorita and walking away.

"Casey has forfeited the battle. Ash Ketchum is the winner." The commentator yelled into his megaphone.


" That was one hell of a battle out there ." Gold proclaimed only for his mouth to shut as Kris glared at him for cursing.

" Thanks," Austin replied as he ate his dessert.

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