Chapter no.112 The Drill that Pierces the Heavens

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" So what are you hoping to catch?" Kris asked looking at her fishing friend.

"Nothing really, it's just relaxing," Yellow said with a smile, tilting her straw hat to keep the sun out of her eyes.

"Zz!" Kitty buzzed as she flew above Yellow and began flying over the water.

"Careful Kitty," Yellow called after her.

Kitty gave a nod as she continued to fly, happy about being in the air.

Dody just rolled his eyes and looked at Yellow grabbing her hat with his beak to fool around.

Yellow gave a small cry before looking at Dody with a smile. "Give that back." She laughed.


Gary sat in his bedroom with Wartortle out as he went through his Pokedex going over the different moves he could teach his starter as well as his other Pokemon.

He needed to be more prepared for the Clubsplosion.

He also made plans to go to the Game Corner in Celadon to win enough so he could get the elusive Porygon thinking that would make an excellent addition to his team.

Then he would plan a route for his next Gym Battle.

Gary paused at hearing someone walking by his room before shaking his head thinking that it was nothing.

That was until they knocked.

Wartortle immediately got on guard while Gary tensed before using the peephole to see who was out there.

On seeing who it was, Gary immediately opened the door to show someone that looked like an older version of him wearing a black jacket.

"D-Dad?" Gary asked in surprise while Blue Oak gave him a smirk.

"Gary it's been a while."


The tournament was back in action, and this time, Austin was on the first list of participants for the second level of the Eliminations. There had been a lot of speculation on the identity of the mystery pokémon that would be awarded to the Top 4, resulting in a rise in enthusiasm amongst the participants, especially considering that the winner would get a direct entry into the Top 32, a mind-boggling thing.

Currently, he was facing a trainer from Goldenrod City of Johto, who had, from the rumors, literally devastated the last match with an abnormally powerful Raichu, defeating the opponent's Hitmonchan and Wartortle without breaking a sweat. The trainer, Jimmy Matthews, was a dangly, tall guy that would've reminded Austin of Lt. Surge, only if the man wasn't just as large. Strangely enough, both of them had a Raichu as their prime battler.

' What's it with tall guys and Raichu? '

Austin looked at Pikachu and said," Are you going to evolve when I get taller ?" 

The electric mouse Pokémon sweat dropped at the sarcastic comment from his trainer.

"Trainer Red will choose first." The white-clad referee declared, turning towards Jimmy, who was standing in the red position.

"Win the battle for me, Raichu!" Jimmy exploded, as he threw Raichu's Pokeball into the center of the battlefield, releasing the final evolution of the Pichu line, as the large, overgrown mouse stood on her hind limbs, her large tail liberating generous amounts of electric sparks out of it.

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