⟣Chapter 31

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Jiang Lan came back from the clinic and saw that Wen Qingling was using blood to plant blood anemones. Kuibao was squatting on the side and drooling because there were many blood anemones in the basins and baskets beside it.

Jiang Lan: “Son, did someone provoke you again?”

The first time he vented on the queen anemone, the second time he vented on the crystal nucleus, and this time he was venting on the blood anemone—Something big is going to happen again!

Wen Qingling said: “Don’t you think our base is a bit barren? There are too few people in the city. It’s not good.”

Wen Zheng took a sip of blood anemone tentacle tea and said, “You’re finally willing to do business. The blood anemones are so abundant. Every day there are zombies wandering around the city gate, just waiting to be turned into civilized zombies.”

Wen Qingling raised his chin and said, “This time, three hundred healing blood anemones will be harvested and sold.”

Jiang Lan was somewhat nervous and said, “Son, there are not so many zombies waiting in line. We can’t force them to buy it.”

Wen Qingling: “As the boss of South City, I feel that I need to give them a wake-up call and enlighten them. If we don’t do it now, do we have to wait for the new year?”

So that night, Wen Qingling’s “enlightenment” began. Many confused zombies were clearly aware that their lives were too sloppy and that they needed to pursue higher goals. They must go to the civilized base to pursue their highest dreams.

Wen Qingling’s family was busy all night, registering, distributing blood anemone, and saving three hundred stray zombies with ideals and pursuits all night long.

The civilized base now has 500 civilized zombies.

The second day continued.

By the third day, the civilized base members finally broke through the 1000 mark.

Wen Qingling was very satisfied with the fact that the civilized base was finally lively. The first 200 civilized zombies will teach the later 800 civilized zombies about the rules of the civilized base and good socialist zombie education.

All the civilized zombies will be educated in the base for three days to ensure that they all remember the rules. On the fourth day, they can go out to hunt, earn crystal nuclei, and pay back the medical fees.

Civilized zombies had an unwritten rule: they don’t hunt in South City. The other three directions were optional.

The blood corpse in East City was integrating its power with the intention of unifying the zombies in Ling City. It kept making small and constant movements. Some mindless South City zombies were bewitched by the blood corpse to go to the East City, which made Wen Qingling very unhappy. How can he sit still when others steal his zombie minions?

So, the 800 civilized zombies that were released all chose East City as their hunting ground. If one civilized zombie hunted 100 ordinary zombies, the blood corpse would have to lose 80,000 zombies, enough to teach it how to be a polite and good zombie.

Wen Qingling was sitting in the clinic, waiting leisurely for a large number of crystal nuclei.

At noon, some civilized zombies came back to report that the zombies in East City had changed. Those decaying zombies were transporting things to East City, and their behavior was very strange.

Wen Qingling was curious and took a trip with the civilized zombies in person.

As Wen Qingling’s strength improved, the quality of blood anemones also improved, and the strength of civilized zombies all reached level one evolved bodies.

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