⟣Chapter 73

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The soldiers in the car felt a chill down their spines.

Old Xue reprimanded, “Don’t spread panic! These are all just your speculations without scientific basis!”

Xiao Hen sternly replied, “It has been over two years since the apocalypse began. What more scientific basis do you want? I’m not fearmongering, I just want to advise you all not to use energy weapons recklessly. The consequences would be unimaginable.”

Xiao Hen wasn’t trying to scare them; he had a vague feeling, perhaps from “General” or Wen Qingling’s side, some kind of premonition. It was indistinct, but he could vaguely sense that something bad would happen soon.

Xiao Hen suddenly remembered Wen Qingling’s words. What did they mean exactly?

“You? Who are you referring to? Don’t forget, you’re also human!” Old Xue’s angry rebuke brought Xiao Hen back to his thoughts.

Those words sounded so familiar. Xiao Hen remembered that he seemed to have said the same thing to Wen Qingling before. Was Wen Qingling feeling the same way as he did now, too complex to speak?

Xiao Hen said, “The Level 8 Evolved ‘General’ is very powerful. Its known abilities include commanding all zombies, causing mental confusion, self-healing, and precognition. It can even create Level 5 Evolved ‘Corpse Mountains.’ Its defense is extremely high, and bullets are useless against it.”

This was the last thing Xiao Hen could do for humanity—to inform them about the Level 8 Evolved “General.”

There was a deathly silence in the car. After a while, Old Xue spoke, “How do you know all this?”

Xiao Hen replied, “I had a battle with the Level 8 Evolved.”

Everyone in the car was shocked. They only knew that the Level 8 Evolved “General” had appeared in Lingcheng, but they had no idea that Xiao Hen had actually fought against that kind of zombie!

And he had come back alive!

Old Xue’s expression turned serious. “What was the result?”

Xiao Hen’s tone was calm, as if he was talking about someone else’s story. “I and a weapons operator flew an armed helicopter and bombed its lair. We ran out of ammunition, but the Level 8 Evolved was still alive and kicking, able to fight back against us.”

“Then you…” Old Xue examined Xiao Hen from head to toe.

“I was saved by someone, that’s why you can see me now.” Xiao Hen knew what he was suspecting.

Old Xue tentatively asked, “Was it that doctor?”

As a high-ranking military official and Xiao Hen’s superior, it was impossible for Old Xue to be unaware of Wen Qingling’s existence.

Xiao Hen didn’t deny it. The only explanation for him coming back alive was Wen Qingling. Wen Qingling had something to treat the infected, and the higher-ups in Central Mega City should know about it.

Xue Feng fell silent for a moment before saying, “I heard that doctor is a dual-ability user, and his mental power is strong enough to control zombies. Is that true?”

Xiao Hen didn’t directly answer, “What do you want to ask?”

Xue Feng asked, “With his strength, do you think he could be recruited by the Central Mega City?”

“Not possible,” Xiao Hen replied firmly.

If it were possible, it wouldn’t have taken him so long. In the end, Wen Qingling wasn’t recruited by Xiao Hen but rather Xiao Hen was recruited by Wen Qingling.

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