⟣Chapter 123

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TL: Moonlit

Red Hair is already being chased by Wen Qingling. He has run out of bombs and can only fight while retreating, relying on his abilities. He desperately runs towards Cedrick.

Red Hair has used up all his bullets, but he still has crystals. However, he doesn’t have time to install them. He can only run for his life and shout, “Boss!”

Wen Qingling leaps continuously and quickly blocks Red Hair’s path.

Red Hair suddenly stops, looking terrified at Wen Qingling blocking his way.

Wen Qingling raises his hand, and Red Hair is uncontrollably thrown toward Wen Qingling. Startled, Red Hair swings his hand and sends a fiery blade toward Wen Qingling, interrupting his telekinetic control.

Wen Qingling leaps high, evading the fiery blade. Behind him, a thunderous roar echoes as a giant wolf covered in lightning pounces toward Wen Qingling.

The giant wolf arrives first!

Wen Qingling: “…”

Who does he think he can electrocute?!

Wen Qingling’s arms suddenly turn into wood as he grabs the wolf’s attack. The wolf presses him to the ground, trying to tear him apart. However, the moment they touch the ground, countless wooden spikes emerge, piercing the wolf mercilessly.

The wolf is shocked and quickly abandons Wen Qingling, rolling aside to dodge the continuously appearing wooden spikes. It is forced to retreat further and further.

Wen Qingling gets up from the ground, feeling his hands covered in sticky residue, his face blackened. “You’re looking for death!”

Wen Qingling suddenly disappears from his original position and reappears by the wolf’s side. He thrusts wooden spikes toward the wolf’s abdomen. The wolf quickly jumps back, but as its paws land, they are impaled by the suddenly appearing wooden spikes.

With a howl, the wolf jumps away again. This time, it doesn’t touch the ground but leaps onto the roof of a car.

Wen Qingling chases after it, but the ground suddenly collapses, and he falls into the earth.

Wen Qingling: “…”

Did the Earth just collapse?

The collapsed ground merges back together, burying Wen Qingling underground.

Mo Shuang and Lei Yuxiao, who chased after him, witness Wen Qingling being buried. They avoid being seen and stay hidden.

Lei Yuxiao feels alarmed. He has heard that Wen Qingling is very powerful. If he, as strong as he is, got buried alive, then who in the Central Giant City can deal with these lunatics?

A youth gets off a car, his face somewhat pale.

Hidden in the shadows, Molly scans with her psychic power, making sure Wen Qingling isn’t detected before she shows herself. “Is the mission completed?”

The youth glances at her and says, “Just when I was finishing up, you summoned me.”

The wolf raises its paw, jumps down from the car roof, and returns to its human form, leaving only its lower body in the form of a wolf. One of its hands has been pierced, dripping with blood.

“He’s the Wen Qingling you mentioned?” the youth asks.

Molly replies, “Yes, he’s very powerful.”

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