7: Thank God for oversized hoodies.

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A/N: ok since this one came so fast too im hoping this continues!! i wrote a huge detailed summary of the entire story since i have it all planned out and now all i gotta do is fill in the blanks! so the chapters should come p fast. i can also work on more than one at once since i have it all planned out which is crazy?? but it s awesome and im hoping to get the entire thing written at least before i go back to school and then i can update from there.

sorry for such a long a/n !

anyway, enjoy!!


Frank looked down and played with his half eaten food, poking and pushing the pieces around his plate with the fork before finally taking a bite. He shoveled the pancakes into his mouth, downed the orange juice, and waited patiently for Zero to finish before cleaning up all their dishes.

As Frank stood at the sink washing the first plate, he caught a glimpse of movement through the small window that led to the yard. The two police officers were standing near the edge of the hole. The man was pacing back and forth along it, while the woman simply stood there with her arms crossed, looking down. She lifted her head as her colleague strode back towards her. They exchanged words, but Frank couldn't hear anything they said. A moment later, he saw them both begin walking back towards the house.

Frank finished scrubbing the cup he was working on and dried his hands. He crossed the living room and was at the front door just in time to open it when the cops walked up.

"Everything seems to be in order, you have a nice day sir."

The female officer nodded at Frank and she and the deputy turned to leave.

"Thanks, you too," Frank murmured quietly.

He shut the door softly this time. Zero was waiting for him now, standing next to their stool at the bar. They still stood a little lopsided because of their ankle.

Frank felt a twinge of sadness that they were still hurt.

He had looked it up, and apparently sprained ankles took about 5 days to heal. Sometimes more. He hoped Zero would be completely healed up soon.

At least they didn't have to worry about running from the cops anymore.

"Everything's gonna be okay now..." he said quietly.


After the police had come and gone, Frank was feeling more relaxed than he had in the past entire week.

He took this time to clean up his entire house all over again, since he hadn't done so since Zero had first arrived. And even then, with them around, it was never entirely clean.

So, he went through each room, one by one, tidying up, with Zero almost always following in his footsteps. They were like his shadow.

As he was sorting through a pile of dirty clothes from the past few days that were in his bedroom, Frank came across Zero's suit. The suit that they had been wearing when they arrived. How the hell did he forget about that?

There were patches of blood and mud stains on it, but nothing Frank couldn't take care of. He gathered all the clothes together and brought them out to the garage to put them in the washing machine. Zero followed closely, very alert and seeming very concerned about the well-being of their suit.

Frank loaded all the clothes in carefully, starting the wash cycle and returning back to the house. He grabbed Zero's hand as he passed by and led them back behind him. He brought them over to the kitchen counter again, guiding them to sit on a stool and then sitting on one next to them. They were both turned sideways so that they were facing each other. Frank reached across the counter and picked something up, holding it up to show Zero. It was their notepad. Frank smiled.

Call Me Zero (Frerard)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz