Mother's Day- Conversion Academy

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                Six year old Kaz Warrick crept down to the basement of the house. His mom had fallen asleep on the couch, tired after a long day of work.

                He went to the back of the basement, where they'd boxed up his father's things after his death. Kaz's mom wasn't ready to get rid of them yet, so she kept them safely tucked away down here.

                Kaz opened a small box, where his father's ties were kept. On top was his dad's favorite tie, a gift from Kaz the year before he died. Kaz picked it up and looked down at it. It was a red tie with a sleek black pattern down it.

                Kaz shut the box and held the tie securely in his hands, opening another box and picking up his dad's favorite hat. He tucked it under his arm and frowned at the remaining boxes. His dad's clothes would be far too big on him.

                He dug around until he found his dad's CD collection. There was a mix CD on top labeled in his dad's neat handwriting. "Family Rides".

                Kaz picked it up and went upstairs, sneaking back to his room and carefully hiding the possessions under his bed. He wanted to wake his mother up and ask her to tuck him in. He knew she'd do it without complaint. But she'd looked so tired when she got home, and he couldn't bring himself to wake her up, so he crawled into bed and tucked himself in.

                In the morning, he crawled out of bed and dressed himself. It was early, and he peeked out of his room. His mom's door was shut, meaning she must've woken up at some point and went back to her room to sleep.

                Kaz hurriedly went back into his room, pulling on his dad's hat and struggling to get the tie around his neck. He grabbed the card he'd made for his mom and went out to the kitchen, making her toast. He poured some orange juice and set everything on the tray, along with flowers he'd picked the day before.

                He carried the tray to his mom's room, carefully getting the door open and going in. He set the tray down on her nightstand and went around her bed, putting the CD in the CD player and pressing play. He went over to her, shaking her.

                "Mommy!" he said.

                She opened her eyes and rubbed them. "Kaz? Is everything alright?"

                He beamed a smile at her. "Happy mother's day, mommy!"

                She looked over at the breakfast on her nightstand and her eyes widened. She looked back at Kaz and seemed to notice what he was wearing, the music playing hitting her. She brought a hand up to her mouth.

                "Kaz," she said weakly.

                "I know you miss daddy. Grandma told me I have to be the man of the house now. You don't have to miss him so much, mommy! I'm here for you!" Kaz said.

                Her eyes watered and she sat up, pulling him into her lap and stroking his hair. "Oh, Kaz. You don't have to be the man of the house. Daddy would want you to be a little boy and enjoy it. I love you so much, you know that? I love you." She wiped at her eyes and smiled at him. "You're the best son in the world."

                "You're the best mom in the world!" he said, throwing his arms around her neck.

                The tie was just barely on him because he didn't know how to actually tie it. The hat was too big on his head. His mother's heart broke that his father couldn't be around to teach him how to tie a tie or watch him grow into that hat.

                But Kaz snuggled against her, reaching out and absentmindedly taking the remote off her nightstand and hiding it in his lap. She laughed and hugged him tightly, heartbroken she'd lost her husband but overjoyed she had her son.


                Kaz gave a genuine smile as his mom walked into the kitchen. "Damn, you woke up too early. We weren't done yet."

                He and David were trying to cook her breakfast, and she smiled at them. Kaz went over and hugged her tightly.

                "Happy mother's day," he said.

                "I love you," she said, kissing his cheek.

                "I love you too," he said, pushing his hair out of his face. "David made me promise not to steal anything from you today. I said I'd try my hardest."

                She laughed. "You took my phone while we were hugging, didn't you?"

                He gave a sheepish smile and held it up. "I got you a present."

                She took it from him and put it back in her pocket, playfully shoving him away from her. "Of all the sons, I get the one who takes my phone."

                "You could've gotten Pete. I'm sure he's so drugged he doesn't even know it's mother's day," Kaz said, sitting up on the counter.

                She reached out and squeezed his shoulder. She hadn't wanted to send him away to Constance Academy, but it was the only way she could protect his future. She wished she'd been a better mother, wished she'd seen the damage his relationship with Aaron Kizziar was causing him. But all she could do now was try and be better for his sake.

                "You're a good son," she said, squeezing his shoulder again.

                "He is," David said, going over and kissing her. "Happy mother's day." He put one arm around her and one around Kaz. "Thank you for letting me be part of this family."

                "Oh, quit talking like that, dad," Kaz said. "You're so overdramatic."

                "I learned from the best," David said with a sigh. Kaz grinned.

                He turned back to his mother and handed her a card. "Here. I got you a gift certificate to your favorite restaurant. You and David can go to ease off some stress."

                She smiled and hugged him again. "Thank you, Casimir."

                "I love you mom," he mumbled. "You've done so much for me. Thank you."

                "I'm proud of you. I'm glad you have friends who care about you. I'm glad you have Killian," she said.

                Kaz's ears turned red. "Yea, I guess Malley and the others are alright to have around."

                She smiled proudly at him. He looked so much like his father, and he'd grown to be such a loving boy. There was no better gift than knowing she got the joy of being Kaz's mother.


A.N.- Happy mother's day to all the moms out there! If I somehow found the time to write a little more today, who else would you guys want to see a special for?

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