Chapter 1

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The last year or so, has been a blur. I sit down on my soft, and comfortable bed and listen to music on my laptop. Lately, it's been horrible outside; cold, frigid, and grey. I get up and go to the kitchen to make a hot cup of coffee to warm up my freezing body. The holidays were coming closer, with Christmas approaching in just a few days. I stood in front of the coffee maker, disturbing thoughts tugging at the back of my mind. 'You must go,' the voice commanded 'you don't need them. You need to run away from this place'. I bit my lip and fought off the voices, grabbing my cup of freshly brewed coffee, and went back to the dark place that is called my room.

Click. Click. Click. I type these sophisticated words with shaky hands; energy flowing throughout my body, from my toes to my fingertips. 'You are the one that makes the choice to leave. No one else. Not your family. Not your friends. No one' I type out. My thoughts raced and so many ideas came crashing down upon me all at once. It overwhelmed me. I took another sip of my caffeine.

An hour later, I was caffeine-free and now I was able to comprehend what I had typed. It was bleak and depressing; what my daily life has seemed to be lately. But then, I felt a pang in my heart...It felt as though something new has just sprung to life. My hands slide from my stomach, brushed my collar bones, and slid down to the place in my chest where my heart was encased.I felt it thumping loudly in my ears, and even though no one was home, I felt as though everyone outside the empty house could hear it. There was also a slight pounding in my head, but I thought that perhaps, I could of have had too much coffee for the time being.

I later walked to my job; it was a horrible place, but hey, I need the money. It took me about an hour, the usual amount of time it takes to get there. Once inside the Starbucks, I grab my artichoke green apron and hat and put them on. "Hey...Katherine..." I mumble the rest as the red-head walks by me. Katherine dyed her hair an 'unnatural color' and was almost fired - until I stepped in and saved her ass. "So, are you ever going to get your roots retouched?" Katherine asked me. My dirty blond roots were starting to show from my otherwise jet black hair. Why must she be so blunt about it, though? "Yeah, this week, of course," there was a tremble in my voice, "but won't you get your hair dyed a haircolor that is suitable for this job, and won't get you fired?" I asked, a matter-of-factly. She gave me a cold look and bit her lip, rolling her eyes and walking away.

I had no car, which sucked. I had to walk home from my job in the dark at 9pm., which wasn't so great. I would almost get run over, since I'm always dressed in black. Not to mention it, but I should really invest in some clothes with color. I walked down the deserted street, a pair of headlights focusing on me. I was slightly blinded, but I did notice that it wasn't a car, and that it was in fact, a truck. I was skeptical about running or waiting for the truck to stop - and in which, it did. A tinted window opened and a smooth, velvety voice spoke, "Get in" it beckoned me. So I took hold of the door handle and hopped inside.

I looked at the person in the drivers' seat. This stranger didn't seem to want to do any harm to me. They wore a hat, which covered most of their face, unfortunately. What I could visibly see was that they had a few freckles on their neck and that they most certainly had the same taste in fashion as I did - all black. "Uhmm...So are you able to take me home...? I'm sorry if I'm just an inconvenience to you..." I slowly began to lower my head when the mysterious stranger looked my way. "Sure...I wouldn't want anyone to walk out here on a night like this. Too many nutty people out there..." the driver mumbled. I quickly glanced at this...person. Somehow they seemed familiar, and something triggered my broken, fraudulent past.

"This is our end, I believe" the monotone voice spoke. "Mhm," I nodded, opening the truck's door, "thanks...stranger..." I shut the door and look inside the window, the mysterious person tipping their hat at me, and smirking. I shyly wave and watch them drive away. But, ironically, it started to snow. I guess that sometimes, strangers are kind and generous at times. My body shivers and convulses slightly from the cold whipping past my face, forming goosebumps on my lean arms. Perhaps, the person who picked me up wasn't a stranger after all. Maybe they saw me at work one day, remembered my face, and decided to give me a ride. Or maybe they are more than just a stranger with a wicked smirk...

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