Chapter 2

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 Christmas was only in two days now. I have no real friends, if I haven't mentioned, and I don't have any family close by, or even some that I could visit. This year, I was actually alone for the first time. It hadn't really felt any different, but it definitely gave me time to think; time to reflect on what I have been doing all year. On the other hand, New Year was coming up, too. I had a few resolutions planned, but those are just simple thoughts. No one actually follows through with New Year resolutions, right...?

My frail body was bundled up by what seemed like endless layers of clothes, since it just had to be snowing. I suppose my luck isn't always the best when I go out to do important stuff. I walked around the shopping center in hopes of finding something nice to get myself for an early Christmas gift today. I couldn't afford to buy something very big, since my rent for the flat was due soon. I entered an antique store that I used to go to as a child, in hopes of finding something lovely. Over the years, I stopped going to the antique store because I thought everything in here 'was for old ladies'. Now that I'm just a bit older, I have come to fancy what was in here, and actually admired some of the older pieces. I looked around, assessing each piece of jewelry to see what I liked. I spotted a blue pendant. It was so beautiful, and almost as blue as the ocean. was more than that. There was an urge in me - a temptation - that made me want to buy the pendant. I took hold of the price tag hanging off of it, 10 Euro was how much it was. I only had 8 Euro, meaning that I couldn't buy the necklace today. I really hope someone doesn't buy it before me...

I took the railways home, considering that I lived in Brighton and I had gone to shop in New Haven; there was no way I was going to walk that far. It was far too impossible anyhow. The trains and buses always felt crowded and myself, being prone to panic attacks, would make me feel very scared and start to feel claustrophobic. Luckily, though, I made it back home.

Today was Christmas Eve, and almost as if I was expecting it, I had to work today. I had a 12-to-4 shift and I was hoping that it wouldn't start snowing when I left work. I walked into shop, expecting to see Katherine here today. I walked to the backroom and checked the work schedule to see when she would be back to working. Next Tuesday, great. She never tells me when she isn't going to be here or not, or when she's on holiday. I sigh and get my apron and hat on once again. There were only two other people at my job that were okay. They seemed rude and snobby - much like the customers. "Luke, can you help me with all of these customers?" I asked anxiously. I could feel myself slowly becoming overwhelmed again. "Ugh...Why can't you do anything for yourself, for once, Trista? Why do you need to have someone always help you?!" he angrily asked me before rolling his eyes and quickly running off to help his own customer. I wasn't going to cry, or worse, have a panic attack at work, so I tried my best to cool off. I walked over to help a customer when I noticed something peculiar. They had on the same pendant that I was going to buy, just the day before...

A few hours passed during my shift until it was finally over. I don't know why, but I had the feeling that when I took the order for that one person, I knew them. I took off my apron and hat and put them in my locker for my next day at 'hell'. I gathered my keys, my hoodie, and my umbrella and started out when suddenly, I bumped into someone by accident. "Oh, um, sorry!" I give an apologetic look and was about to continue walking out the door. My arm was grabbed, and I was pulled back by this person as they whispered in my ear, "Hi, friend..." it was almost as if I could hear the smirk that played on their lips. I hadn't even gotten a good look of the guy,or person, or whoever it was! But that seemed as though it was pulling me in. It had almost sounded like that person who gave me a ride just the other night. Or perhaps, I might just be imagining. It could of have been anyone with a similar voice.

I quickly headed back to the flat, not taking a second more outside until, of course, I had to go to my job sooner or later. How could such strange things happen only happen days apart...? And why did this person, or people, have such an alluring voice, that sounded the same?! It had to be the same person, but who could it be...?

There was finally more time for me to start writing, at least. Writing had always been a hobby of mine; a pastime that was quite enjoyable. I began to think of that stranger, that mysterious being. Their voice was alluring, I'll give them that, but their voice sounded like a mixture of feminine and masculine, which is what still confuses me. I didn't know what they meant by 'friend' either. I haven't really made any new friends since highschool, but that was only a short two years ago. It was Christmas morning, and I didn't really have anything planned for today but stay inside at all costs. I made my morning cup of joe, got my laptop, and started to type. What I didn't expect, though, was a knock at my door. Mail certainly wouldn't come on a day like this, and especially since it's only 11am. I pause to get to the door, but when I open it, no one is there. I look around the neighboring apartments and flats but see no one, until I look down. There is a small present left on my doorstep that was wrapped in what seemed to be newspaper. I look at my surroundings once more before cautiously picking up the gift and taking it inside. I set the object down on the kitchen table and take a seat in front of it, poking and prodding at it. It certainly isn't big at all, from what I could easily tell. With shaky hands, I slowly tear away the newspaper wrapping and find a note and a miniature, sable box. 'You might not remember me, but I remember you, Pal.' was the only thing written on the note. I decided to open the box, hoping yet again that it's something that isn't dangerous. I take off the lid and am shocked by what I see. The powder-blue pendant is what stares back at me. 

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