Chapter 4

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I finally escaped my past abuser, but was afraid of what he would do now. I denied Malik and he seemed very mad after I left. And if he knew where I lived, then I was uncertain if I should hide out somewhere until I think it's safe back at the flat. I didn't have any people I could stay with, and I don't think I would have enough money to stay in a hotel. I began to walk to a nearby shopping center in hopes that I could stay there for a while until I had to find another place to stay. Cars passed me, and I doubted that people cared about me. After all, if you were seen on the side of the street, like me, you were basically considered 'scum'. No wonder why I haven't been helped yet.

By now, I was at the shopping center for around 5 hours. They closed at 8pm., but I decided to leave early and try to find a better place to hide out at. My phone was fully charged, thankfully, but I was practically starving. Not like I didn't starve a lot anyway; the bruises that cover my legs still haven't faded.

I began to walk aimlessly now, and it began to get dark out. Headlights shined in back of me as more people passed by. It got colder out, and only being in a sweatshirt, it was quite cold. I shivered and held my sides, as if that were going to warm me up. 'You must go, now' the voices were back, 'you can run. Cars are passing by quickly, now...' the voices were like venom and they were killing me slowly. My eyes began to well up with tears and my breathing was ragged. I clutched my sides even tighter, not because of the cold now, but because I couldn't trust my instincts. My head began to swim and my vision was blurry. I couldn't think over the voices screaming in my head. I began to see black spots and instantly knew something was wrong. I quickly wiped my eyes and blinked a few times, but more and more of them came much quicker now. Soon enough, darkness enveloped me, and I collapsed.

I smelled fresh linen; a particular scent that I don't smell that often. I binked a few times and slowly opened my eyes. The ceiling was pure white. 'Am I back at the flat?' I asked myself. It turned my head and saw that I was back in my flat! But how...? What exactly happened last night? Was Malik here...? My stomach growled so I decided to get out of bed and grab a cup of coffee. On my way of leaving my room, I passed my full length mirror and took a good look at myself. My skin was ghostly pale, and I had goosebumps all over my arms and legs. Just by looking at myself, I got chills and cringed. ' disgusting' a low voice spit out. I silently walked to the kitchen when I noticed a girl standing there, making coffee. Her shiny, blond hair looked breathtaking in the light of my flat but I was confused as to who she was, and how she got in here. And how I got in here, too! "Umm..." I started in a low, innocent tone, "who are you...?" She turned around, and seemed just as surprised as I was. "Oh, you're awake! I'm Faith. I brought you back here..."

Faith explained how I had fainted on the side of the street last night - apparently from starvation. I didn't know I was that hungry, but at least I'm fine now. "So you saved me...?" I asked the girl beside me. "Yes, and if I didn't, no one else would," she started, "and you probably wouldn't of have been able to walk back here in the weak state you're in". I am grateful for what Faith had done. She practically saved my life, after all. There was no way I'd be able to walk from where I was on the street, back to my house. I was weak and vulnerable.

Before the blond left, we exchanged phone numbers and addresses, in case of an emergency. She hugged my feeble body and left. Even though she was practically a stranger, I longed for her. Maybe I'm just emotional now because she saved me. I tidied up the house a bit - watered the plants, cleaned the coffee maker, stuff like that. Faith said I should lay low lately, which might not be the best thing to do. I didn't tell her that a stalker was practically hunting me down all because I won't love him again. What a pathetic excuse for a man. I actually pitied him, because his was such an ungrateful bastard that only lusted me, and that was something that I certainly didn't like. One hell of a scrub, Malik is.At least Faith doesn't seem to be any of that nature. Not that I'm lesbian, right...?  

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