Chapter 20

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When Jin and Ludus made it back to Ludus' small apartment, they sat huddled in blankets shielding themselves from the morbid wind outside in their poor attempt to keep warm.

"Dil was a little cutie." Ludus said thoughtfully. "Can I meet Kei?"

"No, you'll probably scare him."

"No I won't! You said he's really tough!" Ludus protested, pouting in defeat.

"And you can be a terrible monster when you're angry. Far worse than him." Jin retaliated with a smirk again.

"I'm not the one who's name literally translates to devil in Urdu." Ludus replied, nuzzling his head in Jin's shoulder to keep warm.

He had an arm wrapped around the other boy's mid-section as their legs were tangled underneath the thick blanket, his mostly resting on top sitting sideways next to the other male.

"Atleast my name doesn't translate to 'play' from Latin which is one of the six types of love in Greek philosophy, implying playful love. You know, flirting, teasing."

"Oh how often do you bring that up." Ludus rolled his eyes but pulling the other boy closer for warmth.

"Everytime you bring up my name's meaning I do the same." Jin huffed, holding the boy and squeezing tightly around his small side-hug.

"I love saying your name." Ludus said quietly, pulling away staring into the other boy's eyes.

Jin met his eyes, faces only centimetres apart as personal space was something ripped from their dictionaries whenever the two were together.

"That's cute." Jin smiled, peering down at Ludus' lips before quickly meeting his eyes again.

Ludus smirked. "I'de love to hear how it sounds moaning your name."

"Don't act like you haven't." Jin rolled his eyes, hiding his face in the crook of the other boy's neck, simply breathing in the scent of him.

"Oh I do in more ways than one I can assure you." Ludus replied confidence never faltering.

Jin could feel his face burn as it was hidden. "Stop." He replied in a barely audible whisper.

"I can't." Ludus said, voice strained with slight exhaustion.

"Ludus..." Jin sighed, nuzzling his face deeper into the neck of the other boy as if possible, trying to hide forever but doing the quite the opposite.

It was silent between the two and Ludus could feel the warmth and hot breath of the other one, creeping along his neck. The breaths were tickling but almost hugging him, sending shivers down his spine.

Jin could feel the boy tense up and clenched his eyes shut in pure concentration.

"You know..." Ludus sighed, raising a shaky hand up to play with Jin's hair which was still buried in his neck, stroking it as he ran his digits through the soft strands. "It's physically impossible for me. I'm sitting so close to you, when all I think about is your hands wrapped around my waist as you-"

Ludus was instantly cut off by a soft warmth of a kiss being pressed against where his neck and shoulder met. It was soft but felt so much harder. It continued, once stopping and up along his neck he could feel the continuation of the warm slightly wetness across his neck. He tilted upwards as he was coated with small kisses.

Jin had lost it, lost this game and attacked before he could stop himself as he cupped Ludus' checks roughly. Ludus stared wide-eyes, eyes full of desperation but hinting admiration behind the lust.

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