Chapter 22

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You guys need to realise that sometimes writing the same fluffy domestic storyline of phan can get repetitive so it makes it more fun for me to involve new characters and plots

Im really feeling some Jin pov lately


"Your son had been diagnosed with a rare case of Trichotillomania. We do have treatment if you would like to-"

"So he's ill? Mentally ill?"

"It is a trait from obsessive compulsive disorder characterised by the need or want to pull one's hair our, fuelled by a strong force of emotions."

"OCD. Fuck so he's crazy?!"

"Sir please understand that isn't the case he can receive medical treatment with a small fee-"

"He's not injured, he's fine. We're not paying for the overpriced shit we can't afford it. Thanks for letting us know though."

The door burst open and the small boy jumped in fear. Heart pounding and eyes wound, he lowered his gaze at the floor, causing his blonde moppy hair to cover his face.

The man stopped infront of him, patting the small boy's head gently. "You're fine. Okay?"

He nodded obediently. They drove home in silence and later that might, the boy was kept awake with the hushed whisper downstairs.

"He pulls his hair. We need to get him on some sort of therapy." A low voice grumbled.

"We' can't afford it!" Another low voice spoke.

Jin put his knees up to his shoulders, sitting on top of the stairs listening intently as the sound of his two fathers echoed the empty home.

"What can we do?!" The same voice grumbled once met with silence.

"Our...our baby is struggling with things like this?! How could we watch and-"

"If I had the money to pull out of my lungs from some sort of black market selling I would give them to you. We're both trying to live off of a bloody minimum fucking wage. For now we can't do shit, but keep that kid as happy as possible. If we cut back on more things maybe in the future. But we can't now."

Followed by that were the sounds of soft whimpers, causing Jin to retreat back to bed. He never wanted to burden his parents, so his only conclusion was to make sure they never had to worry about this "thing" again. A bright smile and cheery eyes was what helped them live their loves without worries for their son.

But their son kept it all in. And the thing about bottling stuff in, is that it will always come out eventually, one way or another.


Jin was awoken from his strangely nostalgic dream lacing with anxiety in the depths of his stomach. But the warm feeling of somebody stroking the top of his hair caused him to nuzzle into the touch with a content sigh.

"Sleep well?" Ludus' voice asked quietly.

"Why are you in my bed?" Jin replied simply in a tired voice.

"Heard you whimpering a bit so I checked to see if you were having a sex dream about me. But to no avail, you were sweating and fidgeting, not the good kind." The overly-confident boy replied, voice trailing with slight humour.

There was a comforting pause that passed over a few minutes before Ludus spoke again.

"You're roots have grown back quite a bit." He said softly, hands tickling over the blonde one's dark roots of hair.

Another pause.

"You know I really love your hair?" Ludus spoke again.

Jin snorted, rolling his eyes. "Stop trying to cheer me up."

"What are you on about?" Ludus replied defensively.

"You know fully my dream was about my parents and that...that day. I'm fine."

"Well I didn't but thanks for clearing that up. I'm an idiot did you really think I could detect that?" Ludus laughed softly, kissing the other male on the cheek.

"I'll make you breakfast." Ludus said with a smile, hopping away.



Sorry for the late/short update 😕 my grandma who I went to Pakistan to see passed away recently 😔❤️


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