You got kik?

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You guys should feel special because I turned down going to the beach to write this for you little fluffy oreos! Turn down for what?? Literally, what am I turning down for?

We are here to kidnap about talking.

Wait, what?

Do you even English, Linny?

Kidnapping. We're gonna talk about it.

So, you're walking down the street and One Direction suddenly decides to break the law, risk their public image, get bad rep, just to kidnap you?

Nah, you ain't special, girl.

And then, after all the pain and torture they/he puts you through, he suddenly decides that he is in love with you.

You can't be with that fufu shiz, honey. Gratatata.

Falling in love with your kidnapper?


Yeah, I took you from your family, threatened to kill you, tortured you, forced you to be my slave. Hit me up. You got kik?

You guys must have such romantic dates.

What do you guys do when you have free time? Does he hold a knife up against your neck and force you to cook for him?

Does nobody notice 5 boys casually taking a girl against her will and putting her in a van?

Police officers, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Don't be surprised when I, Batman, take over your jobs.

10 Years Later

"Dad, how did you and mom meet?"

Well it all started when I decided that it would be fun to take a teenage girl hostage and you know, almost kill her.

Please don't ever give out relationship advice.


Short chapter, I know. )): I actually am truly sorry that I haven't been updating much. It does take time to read a lot of stories and find a plot to write about.

If you guys have any DFM suggestions, feel free to comment!

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i love you all fabulinny people

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