4- Voice of the Savior

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Clock strikes twelve,

Into my thoughts I delve,

Some beautiful,

Some miserable,

My memories chase me,

Some luscious,

Some bitter,

In them I drown,

And let them devour me whole,


Like shards of brilliant glass,

Shining yet sharp,

About meetings-

And consequent partings,

For life is mortal,

And we lose many things on our way,

But life is a story of searching,

Not losing,

So I gather myself,

And strengthen my will,

For all the partings that ensue every meeting,

And to face them all with warm greeting,

But forever it shall,

Those memories ENGRAVED,

Shall drown me,

In sorrow and unworthy joy,

I flail failingly,

And succumb to the prowess of the waves of memories,

That engulf me with claiming arms,

But I back down,

And search...

And search...

And search...

For my savior...

Those blue black hands....

And peacock feathers....

I cry,

"When I need you where have you gone?

You saved me before...

What happened now?

I've lost my way,

Guide me again."

I panic and fear envelops me.

I see with unseeing eyes.

And open my arms to my savior.

Only to be welcomed by more waves.


A voice...

" Life is about cherishing and fighting, love,

Fight and win and show me..."

The voice....

That voice....

I break across the waters,

To see the owner of that-

Lilting tongue,

As I emerge like a cork,

I see the haze of a tree,

Under the full moon and stars,

The outline of someone with a lute,

But I drown anew,

I gasp and flinch,

And sputter and choke,

But this time....

No I wasn't leaving Him,

I had to know who it was,

And so I fight,

And emerge once more,

Above the claiming waters,

To find an empty sky,

But atleast I'd fought,

And reached the shore...

I glance around,

To search for Him...

Only the regret remains...

Maybe I should 've have wished Him


I sigh and move on.

Searching- A saga ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant