80- Recognise

73 13 3

Suppose, You do take a human form,
And come to the earth, Madhava,
Will I be able to recognise You?
It's a question that has been haunting me.

Maybe I would. Maybe not.
That would depend on Your decision, wouldn't it?
I would if You decide so, or not if otherwise.
And I sincerely hope I do identify You.

How would you look, Govinda?
Dark monsoon skin? Yellow robes?
Curly ringlets? Honeyed- thunder voice?
Tall stature? Full red lips? Bronze glow?

Oh, yes! those Lotus eyes, perhaps?
Someone once told me, those lotus eyes,
Are like your Aadhar card, your identity proof,
But the sad thing is I do not know how to identify them.

But ofcourse, don't they say that true love,
Can help recognise You in any form?
But Kanha, mine is not true love, then how
Can I know that it is You who has come?

Others told me, a pure heart can find,
God anywhere in any form, always.
But again, mine heart is never pure,
So how do I realise it is You, Sri Hari?

Maybe that is why this question haunts me still.
Because I am scared to accept the fact,
That I might not be able to recognise my saviour,
Even when He appears right before my eyes.

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