94- Finally

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I look at the path that twisted behind me,
The one I traversed searching for Thee,
Over mountains and hills,
Across seas and trenches,
Somewhere faraway I hear the bells ring,
And from behind, wafts the sweet scent of Basil.
A steady smile stretches my lips,
And a wisp of wind ruffles my dark curls,
From deep within, I feel something bloom anew,
My hands shiver ever so slightly,
And the trees around shake off old leaves,
The stars are a little too bright tonight,
I feel the earth vibrate with vitalism,

Time is almost upon me, I realise,
The journey's end would be another's start,
Even as my eyes tear up flooding,
My heart beats erratically wild,
My life seems like a game,
Played by You when You were in quite a mood,

Drops of bliss dribble from the clouds,
And the new moon hides in the shadow,
I feel my soul doing the same,
Hiding behind the folds of skin,

I hear the winds whisper my name,
And the sands of time seem to stop.

'Finally', I hear You from behind,
I whip around but find none,
'Finally', I repeat,  understanding for once,
Laughter vibrates across the valley,
And I shake my head, grinning.
'Finally', this time, we say that one word,
Together as if that was the greatest secret.

And for once, after a long time,
I understand the truth,
Or seem to.
Thank you, Vishnu.

Now we can go back to teasing each other,
Shall we?

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