11|i went through it

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The lake near Maya's house had been home to many parties over the years, some better than other's but tonight hoped to be part of the first category. Maya, Julie and Aria had filled up Julie's car with everything needed to set the tone for tonight and after Aria's shift she'd be joining them in decorating. The nerves had began creeping up on her and had stolen her focus from each class and didn't seem to leave her be even as she left the school. Upon leaving she saw Rebecca George walk toward her in her highest of heels and despite disliking her the envy returned. With Rebecca's narrowed eyes on her assumed the rumors about the party had reached even her and the fact that a flyer hadn't been placed directly in her hand had most likely made her angry.

"Aria Willows, I need a moment," she said between clenched teeth and dragged Aria into a corner, "I know you're new at all things prom queen but I'll clue you in; you never throw a party without my permission. Lucky for you that you're still new to this, so I'll let it slide for this time." 

"I'm sorry about not formally inviting you but I thought you'd find out about it one way or another--" Aria tried to explain.

"Stop with the lies, Aria. There are reasons why girls always lose to me; you've got to tough to be in this race. It'll be my pleasure to watch you crumble tonight because you have no idea what's going to happen." She said with a low and dark tone before disappearing away again, heels echoing against the stone floor.

Rebecca's warning faded quickly from Aria's thoughts because she figured it had more to do with jealousy than a real warning. It felt quite powerful to have Rebecca George concerned about her party, that must mean that she had been getting some votes without even realizing. A growing confidence had manifested inside of her after that thought. That's why she closed up the cafe with a smile on her face today, well that the hopes of seeing Tom. 

He hadn't failed her yet and he wouldn't do it today either. He came strolling in just as she was approaching the door to close it. Sometimes she wondered if he was waiting for her to close down the cafe before emerging from wherever, to see her. She had noticed how different his eyes seemed when looking at her, lately. They were darker, reluctant to be caught and finally seeing her and not the girl he thought she was.

"I don't suppose you have any more of those delicious biscuits from the taste-plate?" Was the first thing he said to her. Aria couldn't help but giggle.

"There will be a fresh batch sold tomorrow morning, you should ask my mom for them when you get your coffee." Aria responded.

"How is your campaigning going?" He asked her while waiting for his coffee, despite the cafe being closed. 

Aria knew her weakness for him was on full display and that he was taking advantaged of it but now she was making him a coffee, thus prolonging her cleaning routine later. She smirked when she thought about the flyer that he'd taken last time he was here, he knew the party was tonight. It was too bad that she hadn't changed her outfit before he showed up because her party outfit was quite spectacular, thanks to Julie.

"We shall see tonight, I'm headed straight to my friends house after I've closed up and then I'm going to work my magic, and I'll be sure to do what you told me." 

"You do that but be careful, though. I know how high school boys can be, don't let them push you around." Tom warned without looking at her.

It thrilled her to know that he was concerned about her, even if he didn't have to be, but it also ignited something inside her. The crush would never go away if he kept on like this and secretly Aria wished he'd never stop, even if it'd never go anywhere. Although with his concerned voiced she did worry about Bobby and what he'd ask for in return for DJ:ing tonight's party.

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