28|doing the right thing

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For some reason both John and Catherine Willows knocked on Aria's bedroom door on the day of her prom. She had barely slept all night due to her nerves but for the little time she had been sleeping her dreams had been infected by Tom Landry. She imagined him regretting losing her and being chased through an empty airport only for her to end up in his arms, sealing their love with a kiss. It was silly and all very childish but she imagined those dreams would visit her often. Aria hiked herself up to greet her parents and patted her wild hair after her tosses and turns, her foggy eyes spotted a tray along with a velvet box placed in her father's palm. 

"Good morning our soon-to-be-graduate," a chirpy voice belonging to her mother said, "it's time to wake up." 

"It's only six a.m..." was all her hoarse voice could say.

"You have a long day ahead of you so there's no reason for waking up late. Your father and I wanted to have a talk with you before you leave for...for the police station." Catherine still had difficulty talking about Aria's assault, it was obvious.

"Your mother has made you a breakfast fit for champions and after you've finished we have a gift for you." John took a seat on her bed and Catherine set the tray down in Aria's lap.

Bacon, eggs, pancakes and fruit graced the plate her mother put down and the orange juice looked as yellow as ever. It was far too much to eat when she was going to step into a tight dress only hours for now but strangely enough her appearance wasn't her first priority this morning, her police report was. The reason for her nerves must've been visible enough because her father's eyes were looking at her with concerning. 

"Are you absolutely certain none of us can drive you there, today? We don't even have to go in with you, but to have gone through this alone-" 

"I wasn't alone, dad. My friends were with me and they are going to be there for me today, too," Aria calmed him, "there's nothing to be worried about today, dad. This is the day I've been waiting for." Aria smiled.

"Well...would you mind if I took a look at the evidence? I am a lawyer after all." 

"Okay, but it'll have to be after breakfast then. I'm already nervous as it is, no need to make it worse." Aria said.

Last night's dream must've made her rather hungry because Aria wolfed down her food faster than expected. After setting her plate aside the little velvet box was placed on the tray, for her to open. Her imagination ran wild for a few seconds until she popped it open and was presented with a car key - leading to her very own car. A loud 'no' escaped her lips before getting the confirmation that it was indeed true. 

"Y-you bought me a--but when did you even do this?!" Aria stuttered and fumbled until she was out of bed and half way down the stairs.

"We discussed it overnight and decided that it'd be good for you to have a car when you are off to college after the summer. We want you to be able to come home if you need to, for the smallest thing even!" Catherine explained and glanced proudly at John.

"But a brand new car, mom? That's a big purchase--" 

John hugged his daughter and beamed with pride. It was the first time Aria had ever seen him that proud and his eyes trained on her and no one else. She knew then that he had changed for real and that the man she saw before her was one she could always count on. 

"This car is yours because you deserve it, Aria. You work hard at school, help your mother at the cafe and fight crime as a hobby.I know you think it might be out of pity but it's not - you're a responsible young woman now and it should be rewarded." He said.

She looked at the silver car in the driveway and beamed with joy. This was a nice surprise on a day that caused much stir inside her. For a moment she chose to just focus on the now and how happy she was to have both parents by her side, looking at her with pride. No matter the outcome of the case was she had this to go home to and now she had a swanky car to take her here even faster.

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