12|the plan

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A mixture of dirt, sweat and blood had been washed down the drain but the feel of it would be lingering much longer. Aria had ran home from the lake and somewhere on the road she had dropped her cell phone, not that she was very concerned about it anyway. She had been thankful that the house was silent when she arrived home. Her father was sleeping in front of the TV, couch made with sheets, and Catherine was sleeping soundly in their marital bed - alone. Aria had thought about sneaking down next to her and have her mother rock her to sleep but she refrained and slept in the shower, with the water doing its best to get her clean. 

A part of her knew she'd never feel clean again but that held no candle to what had happened to Rebecca George last year. While Aria had been lucky enough to escape the brutal hands of Brody and his friends Rebecca hadn't been so lucky and the mere thought of that made Aria throw up multiple times. It also scared her how many times Bobby could've taken advantage of her but didn't for some reason. At first she thought that there was a chance that he wasn't aware of what tyrants he spent his time with, but at last she concluded that he did know. 

'I know how high school boys can be, don't let them push you around' echoed loudly in her mind and brought fresh tears to her eyes. Returning to school would be difficult in itself but her only escape, Tom, would be equally as hard to face. Aria closed her eyes and hugged her sweatshirt tightly before crying silently for a little longer.

"Aria, get downstairs please, you have a visitor!" Her mother's voice lingered outside of the door, she sounded tired.

If it weren't for last nights events Aria would've asked her what was wrong but right now her head was occupied with pain that she had yet to finish processing. 

"If it's Maya and Julie can you tell them I'll see them in school on Monday?" Aria answered with a dry mouth. 

"I wish I could but it's not them. Her name is Rebecca, she's apparently in your class. It seemed like a pressing matter so please don't keep her waiting. Afterwards I'd love your help in the kitchen."

Aria sighed as she dragged herself out of bed and downstairs. Most likely Rebecca was here to convince her to keep her mouth shut and have Aria's final answer regarding revenge. Truthfully she hadn't thought much about revenge since Rebecca brought it up and she wasn't completely sold on the idea, now either. The second she met Rebecca's eyes she saw her own sadness mirrored in them and to not prolong the awkwardness in the hallway she quietly gestured for Rebecca to follow her back upstairs, to her room.

Well inside Aria dumped herself on the bed again while Rebecca studied every poster, book and belonging that was in Aria's room. Occasionally she'd touch something and smile faintly all the while Aria was watching her.

"You dropped your phone on the side of the road last night. I found it when I was driving home and thought you might want it back." Rebecca fished out Aria's phone out of her crocodile imitation purse.

"Thank you for bringing it back to me. I'd like to be alone now if you don't mind." Aria responded, almost numb.

"I do mind actually," Rebecca responded, "have you thought more about what I suggested?" 

"Not really but as of now I'm not really that interested. These boys are raping girls, that isn't something to keep quiet about." Aria rationalized.

"I could've told you that, but sometimes keeping quiet and wait is the best you can do. I tried to rationalize going to the police and what would happen if I did; investigations, interrogations and the rumors that would follow - all of it would ruin me before those pigs even saw a hint of justice." 

"But you've kept quiet for a year now and nothing good has come to it. Instead of asking me to do this prior to the party, you waited for them to almost defile me completely." 

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