Chapter 4 - Who are the avengers?

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A.N: I don't speak any other languages than French and English so I'm really sorry if any of the translations are incorrect or slightly off. I just copied it from google translate lmao.



Seven had no way to tell the time which is why she never noticed that she had been sitting on the edge of the rooftop thinking for at least an hour until someone else noticed she was there.

She needed a plan, she couldn't keep sleeping outside by the dumpster. After one night her neck ached and she was cold, What would she do if it rained? She had no other clothes and nowhere to stay, let alone having anything to eat. Seven glanced over at the apartment block next to her. She hated her life. Why did everyone else get to be happy except her? In one of the windows, she could see a small family sleeping on the sofa together, leaning on each other for support. She was so jealous. She didn't have anyone that she could lean on, no one to take a little bit of the weight off of her shoulders. No one to share the burden with and it hurt.

Seven glanced down on the pavement below her. No one would miss her but what scared her the most is that no one would even know she was gone. No one would mourn her and cry over her. She was pointless.

If she just leaned over a tiny bit she would fall and then she wouldn't have to think about anything at that moment, or ever again. What if she just -

"Hello?" A small voice spoke, startling her.

"дерьмo" (shit) Seven turned around quickly almost falling off the ledge but she managed to catch herself before she slipped.

"I'm so sorry" The voice rambled, it seemed to be coming from some boy, in a spandex suit? Was this an avenger? Or a demon sent to kill her. "I just wanted to see if you were alright. Its 2 am and I didn't know if you were going to jump or -"

"Don't worry about it" Seven said quickly. She couldn't listen to him ramble any longer.

Peter was shocked at the response. He watched as the girl turned and faced away from him, back to her position at the edge. Did she want him to leave? He couldn't go without making sure she was okay. Besides, he had so many questions: Why was she here? Who was she? Was she okay?

Cautiously, so he wouldn't startle her again he moved to sit with her on the ledge, dangling his feet over the edge just like she did.

"Was that Russian?" Peter broke the silence which had been sitting thick between them.

"Yeah" Seven shrugged, she had to know all these languages at the facility so she sometimes switched between them so she wouldn't forget. 

"That's cool," Peter said. He wanted to ask her something and it danced on the tip of his tongue before dying in his throat. This situation was already awkward enough without him making it worse.

"What is it?" She asked, eying him curiously


"What do you want to ask me"

"Oh sorry, is it okay if I ask?"

"Yeah, it's fine". She guessed that the kid in spandex was either her age or around that age and it interested her. Since she was the only girl in her group to survive and she wasn't allowed to speak to the boys, it was nice to be having an interaction with someone. Even if it was a very awkward interaction.

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