Chapter 23 - Another mission

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"So uhm, What now?" Seven asked, the two had been sat on the bed for a few hours, non-stop talking since the reveal but were slowing down, the tiredness finally catching up with the both of them.

"Honestly? I have no idea" Natasha replied, smiling a little. 

"What about the team?" Seven bit her lip anxiously, she had no idea how they would react to the news.

"I don't mind Seven, if you aren't ready for them to know yet then we don't have to tell them" She reassured gently, "I can wait to tell them for as long as you want"

Seven smiled feeling relaxed, "okay, we don't have to talk about it now," She said while standing up from her position on the bed, stretching her arms and yawning. "Besides, it's almost one in the morning, I'm pretty exhausted" 

"Alright" Natasha agreed awkwardly, neither of them having any experience with the family stuff, "Sleep well" She added quickly.

Seven walked towards the door and opened it slightly before peering out into the darkened hallway. She held her palm out and Natasha watched as a small flame emerged, lighting up the surrounding area.

"I'm sorry for keeping this from you for so long, I should've told you straight away," Seven said but Natasha quickly started shaking her head,

"It's fine, I understand"

"Well, then I'm sorry for waking you up" Seven offered instead,

"I'm glad you did" Natasha smiled at her daughter who was still lingering in the doorframe, the flame still burning in her outstretched palm. 

"Goodnight mo-Nat" Seven mumbled, slightly embarrassed, she didn't know how comfortable Natasha was with being called 'mom' just yet. 

Natasha grinned but chose not to comment as Seven closed the door, cursing to herself. Natasha flopped down on the bed and closed her eyes, ready for one of the most peaceful nights of sleep of her life. 


Seven slept happily throughout the whole night, having no nightmares. However, her quiet, serene atmosphere was abruptly interrupted by a loud voice, yelling at her to wake up.

"Seven Seven Seven Seven Seven Seven Seven" The voice repeated and Seven groaned before flipping over onto her stomach and covering her head with her pillow.

"Wake up wake up wake up wake up" The person was now on her bed with her and had removed the pillow from her head and began beating her with it instead. The person proceeded to grab her shoulder and flip her over so she was now forced to meet his annoyed look.

Seven wasn't surprised that it was Peter waking her up, she could recognize his voice easily. However, she was surprised at how close he was to her face, his brown eyes staring directly into her green ones, softening immediately from the previously angry glare.

Peter didn't pull away now he had her attention, instead, he carried on speaking, ignoring their close proximity. "Mission. Half an hour. Get. UP!" Peter suddenly moved backwards and brought the pillow down hard onto her face causing her to ball up her fists and try and punch him off. 

She, of course, couldn't see and missed, making Peter laugh even harder than he already was. Seven began yelling angry Russian threats at him but her voice was muffled by the pillow and he couldn't hear a word of what she was saying. 

Realizing he was practically suffocating her, he quickly removed the pillow but his playful grin never faltered. "have fun under there?" Peter asked, batting his eyelashes at the furious teenager.

The escapee - MarvelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon