Chapter 55 - Fifth period geometry

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A.N: I am seriously so sorry to anyone who has been waiting for a chapter from me for a while now, I've just got back from being away in another country for five weeks and the wifi there was really not that good. I also have a serious lack of motivation and on top of the heaps of school work it makes it hard to find time but I wrote another anyway bc I'm off school today so it really was the perfect opportunity.

Thank you to anyone who is reading this and enjoying it, it means so much.


The next day Seven woke up and glanced over at her clock, realising she still had thirteen minutes until her alarm was supposed to go off. She groaned and angrily ripped the duvet from her body, exposing herself to the cold, icy air.

She stormed over to her wardrobe and proceeded to stub her toe as she grabbed her clothes and she cried out, hopping over to the bathroom to take advantage of the extra time she had to shower.

Seven soon forgot about her stubbed toe as she let the warm water run over her body and she used her favourite scented soap to make herself feel better, the events of yesterday still fresh on her mind. If she concentrated hard enough she could feel the chilling coldness from being drenched by the rain, and the immense fear she felt listening to the conversation in the van.

Seven sighed as she heard her alarm she forgot to cancel going off in the next room, which would probably drive her crazy if it didn't wake someone else up first. She left the shower in a rush and ignored the dampness of her body as she pulled her clothes on, rushing to silence the blaring noise.

The green-eyed teenager reached down to grab her school bag, catching a glimpse of the letter before grabbing it abruptly, ready to rip it into a million small pieces and bin it, or just burn it with the matches she had for her abnormally large candle collection. 

Instead, she decided she wasn't in her right mind to decide right now so she shoved it into her drawer in her nightstand and decided that all thoughts were staying in the nightstand with the letter until further notice.

"Morning Seven" Steve nodded at her as he entered the kitchen, sweaty from a run. The kitchen was otherwise empty except for Natasha and Bucky who were sitting reading newspapers and drinking coffee at the island. When she saw them she considered turning back and eating the stale granola bar on her desk in her bedroom but upon hearing Steve's words they had looked up, so that option was obviously not available anymore.

"Morning Steve, good run?" She asked, going to sit next to her mother instead of Bucky. "Hey Mom" She whispered to her, leaning into her for a quick hug.

"It was good" Steve proclaimed, jogging over to grab coffee.

"Morning sweetheart, sleep okay?" Natasha whispered back, both women aware of their still fragile state from yesterday.

"As well as I could've" Seven answered and Natasha nodded, giving her a sympathetic look.

"I don't know how you do it, man," Bucky said, "Runs at like 6 am in October? I'd freeze, and we both know that can be unpleasant"

Bucky looked around proudly at his joke, Natasha chuckling slightly and Steve giving his typical disapproving look.

"Resilience and Stamina" Steve answered plainly which got a laugh from Seven. "What?" He asked, eyeing her.

"You sound exactly like those PE videos we have to watch of you, did you write those scripts yourself?" She teased, Natasha and Bucky laughing along, both used to Peter teasing him about those videos.

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