Chapter 42 - awakening

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"Mom?" Seven waited a couple of minutes before deciding to speak so she could create the illusion that she just woke up.

"Seven?" Natasha leapt up from her seat and rushed to the teenager's bedside. "Thank god you're okay," Seven did feel rather bad, she kept putting her mother through very stressful situations. 

"Hi Steve" She waved at the super-soldier sat behind her mother and we waved back weakly, she expected that he was exhausted.

She sat up in the bed, crossing her legs and stretching her arms.

"Seven I don't think you should be moving around so soon," Natasha said, concern all over her face.

"No I'm fine, all better" She smiled sweetly at her mother who frowned.

Bruce walked through the door that lead to Peter and Natasha turned to him, "Bruce tell her, she shouldn't be moving around so soon"

"Actually Seven is perfectly fine, a bit sore perhaps but other than that she should be okay." Natasha shot a death glare at him but he ignored it. "You feel okay?" He looked to the younger Romanoff.

"Yeah, my head is a bit hazy but my body feels fine" She emphasised the last part and looked at her mother. 

"That makes sense, you healed most of your injuries before you passed out so Helen and I didn't really have to do anything. Most of your injuries were internal anyway"

"Oh well that's good, god knows I have enough scars without needing to add more"

"What?" Natasha asked,

"You know, torture" She shrugged and Steve and Bruce shared a concerned glance while Natasha just nodded.

"I do know."

"Bruce?" Seven asked the doctor, "Is uh, is Peter up yet?"

"Not yet no, he won't be up for another half hour or so" He shook his head.

"Okay well, I think Bruce and I will leave you two for a moment," Steve said and Bruce agreed before walking back towards Peter's room. "I'll be upstairs okay?" He squeezed her shoulder before leaving through the opposite door.

"I'm sorry" Seven instantly flung herself from the bed and towards Natasha who caught her in her arms instantly. 

"For what Seven?" Natasha asked, confused.

"Everything, I keep putting you in these stressful situations" She hugged her mother tighter.

"You do, but honestly I would expect nothing less from you" Natasha laughed.

"I have no idea whether I should be offended but honestly I'm just happy you aren't mad" Seven laughed with her.

"But seriously" Natasha pushed her back so she was at arm's length, still supporting her weight as she got used to using her own legs. "What did we say about me losing you? You need to be more careful or one of these days I won't get you back"

"I'm sorry" Seven looked down at her feet.

"You'll be more careful?" Natasha asked softly and Seven nodded, "Then that's enough for me." She pulled her daughter in for one more brief hug before picking her up and dropping her back on the bed. "You need to rest"

"I was resting!" Seven crossed her arms.

"You were unconscious, that does not count" Natasha shook her head and Seven begrudgingly lay down while Natasha grabbed a small blanket from the back of her chair and covered her body. "I'm going to see how Peter is doing but I'll get you when he wakes, okay?" 

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