8 | come here

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it's our last full day and we're getting ready to get our day started. after all that shit last night, i definitely do not like amelia, not one bit.

we were all getting ready for the day when she came out of the bedroom. "hey kayla," she whispered. "come here."

kayla walked over to her while liz and i were still doing our makeup in the mirror. but we got quiet so we could hear them. "has billie came back?" we heard milly whisper.

liz and i glanced at each other with our eyebrows raised. after billie left last night, we all went to sleep and shit but i honestly didn't expect her to stay gone all night.

"no i haven't seen her," kayla shrugged.

"okay," milly sighed before walking over to me slowly. "hey," she rasped. i turned to fully look at her and her face was puffy and she had bags.

guess someone was crying all night.

i just rose my eyebrows, waiting for her to say whatever she had to say. "has billie texted you or anything?"

i furrowed my eyebrows. "why would she text me?"

"i don't know," she shrugged. "i thought maybe she'd text you trying to apologize on my behalf or something. she does shit like that."

"well no, she didn't," i turned back around. "and you should learn to apologize on your own."

"whatever," she rolled her eyes and walked away.

"it's like you can't even feel bad for her. no matter what, she's such a bitch," liz shook her head.

"i should've just beat her ass," i shook my head.

"you should tonight," liz laughed. "it's our last night. go out with a bang."

"i know," i groaned. "what am i gonna do without you?"

"you could come back to LA with me," liz shrugged.

i almost gagged.

"good god no," i quickly replied. "i never wanna see los angeles EVER again."

"for valid reasons but cmon," she tilted her head. "so many opportunities out there. don't stay away forever."

"you know, you can always visit me in hawaii," i grinned, ignoring what she just said.

"returning to the place where that shit happened could possibly help you heal lani," she shrugged. "you'd be facing it again and you could actually get closure this time. ya know, let go of all the hurt that the city caused you."

i sighed. "that's actually not a bad idea."

"that's cause i never have bad ideas," she grinned. 

i chuckled. "god if i go back to LA, amelia would never leave me alone."

"she doesn't have to know," liz shrugged.

i made a straight face. "how would i be incognito in los fucking angeles?"

"you could live with me," she said. "or even hasson."

i damn near chocked on the air. "live with hasson? no no," i shook my head. "she's great but we just became official. i'm not gonna be a u-haul bitch."

liz laughed. "so live with me," she smiled. "you can have the guest room in my place."

"okay," i nodded.


"are you forreal?" margie rose her eyebrows. "lani baby i support everything you wanna do but are you sure that LA needs to see you again?" she asked after i pulled her to the corner of wall to talk to her.

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