Chapter 3- Eremiel

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Castiel's POV-

They are everywhere. Everywhere. These beingsform left and right in the field I stand in. Our training never covered these; I have no idea what they are. Some kind of black, tall, werewolf like creatures with glowing, red eyes. They are coming from all directions, just landing on the ground as smoke and forming into something. I only kill a few before they start...changing. I am staring in fascination as I watch one turn into what appears to be a child, a little girl. I feel a hand on my back and spin around, raising my blade. I catch a glimpse of Dean's eyes and lower my blade, letting out an anxious breath.

"Woah, Cas. It's me," Dean says, backing away.

"Yeah, sorry. Look. They're changing," I say and gesture to the transformations around us.

"Yeah, I noticed. What do we do?" Dean says, pulling a knife but I hold his hand down.

"Don't kill them yet. I've never seen this happen. I don't know what it means," I warn and we look around.

"Then what the hell are we supposed to do Cas, they didn't exactly come in peace," Dean shouts and glances over my torn coat.

"They look like people. Look, they even have clothes," I say and point to one that now looks like a woman in a summer dress. The ones I killed are vanishing into smoke and dust.

"What the hell, Cas. You've never seen this? Just let me kill them," Dean shouts, clearly irritated and lusting to kill.

"Dean, calm down," Sam says and Dean takes a deep breath and covers the mark awkwardly with crossed arms ((For those who don't know, the mark of cain ,which Dean has, makes him want to kill but it's dangerous if he does because he can turn into a demon)). I turn away and look back at the "people" who are now all walking in the same direction, our direction. I start walking backwards, pushing Sam and Dean.

"They're coming towards us," I shout. They start running towards us, abnormally fast and making horrible sounds.

"Run!" Sam yells over the sound of what seems to be growling. We turn around and book it to the car. We pile in, slam the doors shut and peel off with enough time to leave whatever those were in the exhaust fumes.

"They're still chasing us," I call to Dean as I look out of the backseat window.

I feel the car lurch forward as Dean speeds even more. A few continue running but give up and turn into smoke again.

"They can't keep up anymore!" I announce. Dean doesn't slow down though.

"You could have died, Cas," Dean says just loud enough to be heard.

"You could have died coming back for me," I respond. I watch his grip on the wheel tighten and he swallows hard.

"Why did you go alone? We never go alone?" Dean asks. I pause for a moment and just decide on the truth.

"I didn't know how to protect you from those things so I didn't want to risk you guys getting hurt," I answer.

"Protect me? I need you to protect me?" Dean responds, agitated.

"Dean, go easy on him, he was trying to help," Sam calms from the passenger seat.

"Yeah... help," Dean mumbles.

The rest of the car ride is completely silent. We get back to the bunker and Sam and Dean go to bed. I bid them goodnights and head into the library. Where do I even start on finding out what these are? I am reading over a book of hell creatures when I hear a crash outside. I walk outside and see a figure in the trees. I start walking over and I drop my angel blade down into my hand. I hear a rustle behind me and see a man running at me. No, not a man but an angel, with an angel blade. I duck before he stabs and I sweep him off his feet and put my blade to his throat.

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