Chapter 9- The Night The Lights Went Out

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Dean's POV-

"SHIT,SHIT,SHIT,SHIT!" I shout as I pace back and forth, pulling at my hair, "I'LL KILL HIM."

Cas walks over and places a gentle hand on my shoulder. His eyes flash bright blue when he looks down at my arm and I see the mark burning red on my arm. I try to calm down but just get angrier and angrier. I can't control it. Cas wraps his arms around me and waits for the spell to pass. I feel the anger pass and Cas backs up. He walks over to Tyler who is staring at me with frightened eyes.

"What is it Tyler?" Sam asks, pushing past me towards him.

"It's just...Troye...that kind of thing happened to him all the time. He would...turn into something else, like that; when he was really upset or something," Tyler explains carefully and Cas nods.

"I know what this means.....Dean, if you go full dark side you'll become a knight of hell, you know that right?" Cas says calmly.

"Yeah, I know," I respond

"Well, Troye went full dark side, look at him now," Cas points out and I nod in understanding.

"Castiel, is there any way to cure Troye? Fix him?" Tyler asks timidly.

"Well. What is happening is simply a possession of sorts, Troye is still in there right now. The thing possessing him just has a lot of power over him and can use his memories and life against him and people around him. He knows how to manipulate things into making it seem like it's something Troye would say or do if pushed to the limit. It's hard to get rid of something this powerful. It would require Troye personally expelling whatever it is persuading him...but it will be nearly impossible to get through to him," Castiel explains pacing back and forth.

"Is that what is happening to me?" I ask, baffled.

"No, your mark is simply a curse, a very strong persuasion to your darker emotions, but it can possess you if you let it, which is why you are out of the game until it is gone," Cas says and gives me a stern look.

"What? No! I am in this fight till the end, don't put me on the friggin bench, Cas!" I call back and Cas snaps his fingers, both of us ending up somewhere else.

"Dude, what the hell. How did you do that?" I shout. Looking around at the trees surrounding the field we stand in.

"I have capabilities I was unaware of until now," Cas says and walks closer to me, "Dean, listen to me. If both of us have any chance of coming out of a fight with whatever Troye is right now, I can't be worrying about keeping you from going "dark side" so you have to stay out of this one for the sake of both of us."

"Just don't worry about me," I irritably suggest.

"You know I can't do that," Cas mumbles softly, his back to me now.

I dig my boot toe into the dirt and huff. I look up again and Cas is gone. And I am not in the middle of a clearing of trees anymore. A chair squeaks as someone settles in it and I turn around, peering into the dark room.

"Hello, Dean," Troye says and stands up. Blue and black light oozes from tears in his skin as he walks toward me.

"What did you do?" I ask, backing up.

"That little bunker of yours is warded but Castiel was ignorant enough to pull you out of there so I had some friends drop in and bring you to me," Troye says, approaching me slowly. I back up into a wall and look around for something to defend myself, but to no avail.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. If anything, I'm helping you," Troye says and suddenly I feel hands on mine pulling me towards something. I am forced into a chair and locked in place. I see him holding a small syringe and I start pulling at the restraints even harder. i don't want anything to do with what he has planned. He walks back over and looks down at me, adjusting a light to shine on me directly.

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