Chapter 8- Old Friends and New Circumstances, Borrowed Grace and Blue Eyes

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Troye's POV-
The reflection I see is like a town you pass through every morning but still hesitate remembering the name, familiar as an old friend but equally as foreign. The blue eyes I see, my blue eyes, are but a memory. A cloudy, fading memory. The sight of them is a shock that strikes me deep inside, quickening the pace of my heart and turning my stomach. I back away. Nothing makes sense and the room spins. I break my gaze from the mirror and catch my breath. I look back up and something between relief and disappointment fills me, I'm crestfallen and content. A bittersweet sight is in the mirror, it's me. Not the old, kind, compassionate me but the new me, strong and brave and powerful. I don't know if I want to cry from joy of the returned familiarity of this new body or cry from the longing of seeing my blue eyes and old body once again. I settle into an indifferent state and turn away from the mirror. I stumble to my bed, suddenly exhausted. I clutch a pillow in my arms for security or for something to just hold I'm not sure. I want to lay my heavy head down and sleep for ages but there's no point. Demon/angels don't sleep. This bed was simply for decoration, uncomfortable and stiff, creaking whenever I would reach for Tyler's hand when we would lie down staring at the ceiling together after a long day. I look up to the ceiling now. Everything is a little more dull these days, like a storm cloud settled here and didn't bring rain but rather a gray tint to everything.

Dean's POV-

"So, Cas, you still have some grace?" I ask, pouring out coffee into 3 red mugs.
"Yes but I can only access it because I guess I'm an archangel now, but I need the rest from Tyler to be at full power, right now I'm still mostly human," Cas calls across the kitchen and I nod slowly.
"I told you guys I'm ready to give it back," Tyler quips from the table.
"Yeah but I want Cas to do some human things before the ritual," I explain, balancing the hot ceramic in my hands.
I watch the steam rise from the three mugs I carry to the table. I set them out and take my seat. I push one to Cas and he takes it reluctantly.
"Coffee, right?" Cas asks eyeing the mug curiously.
"You've had it before haven't you?" Tyler asks, sipping his quietly.
"No, I'm semi-new to being human," Cas replies, "how can you bare to drink that?"
I look to Tyler, suddenly intrigued. I guess I hadn't thought twice when Tyler asked for a cup.
"What do you mean? I love coffee...," Tyler responds slowly.
"Doesn't it taste like...molecules?" I ask, quoting Cas the one time he tried human food as an angel.
"Why would you think that?" Tyler asks.
"When I was angel, that's what food and drinks tasted like," Cas answers for me.
"No, not for me. But I mean you're probably different so...," Tyler replies awkwardly.
I chuckle and nod. Cas looks down at his cup with one more long look before taking a huge gulp and immediately spitting it back in the cup.
"That tastes awful," Cas whines and I dump some sugar and creamer in before pushing it back at him.
He takes a small sip and smiles pleasantly. I earn a thumbs up and he takes a few more sips. I gulp mine, black and strong. Tyler adds some milk to his and takes delicate sips. I look to the clock, wondering when Sam will wake up. Not to complain but dealing with two dysfunctional, screwed up angels is very stressful. Just then, conveniently, Sam walks in huffing and sweaty. I stare at him weirdly and he laughs.
"I had a great run thanks for asking, Dean," Sam jokes and grabs a water bottle.
I shrug and turn back to my coffee. A conservation strikes up and I stare at the blank, cream walls past Tyler's head, occasionally adding to the conversation at the moment. I would be more involved but my mind is somewhere else, consumed by the situation at hand. A half-demon-half-angel borrowing an archangels grace and they're having coffee together on a Wednesday morning, talking about...cartoons. How absurd.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and realize I've been asked a question so I just nod and stare down at the black coffee swirling at the bottom of my cup. Moments later the topic has changed and I throw myself back in, determined to learn about this Tyler guy.
Troye's POV-
At some point, probably hours later, a servant came to inform me on recent developments, 7 light angels had been captured so far. I felt a tug on my heart for them, something new and strange. I vaguely remember giving a weak 'okay' and dismissing them. I sit up and look at my dresser. I walk over and pull open the top drawer, a picture of Tyler sits crumpled under shirts. I pull it out and sigh. I don't know what this spell is that's coming over me but I miss things with a lot more heart suddenly. I set it back on top and close the drawer silently. I take a deep, long breath and ruffle my wings, a sudden fiery anger filling my stomach and a dark mood masking my thoughts . I'm going to find him. If I can't have him, I don't want anyone to.
Tyler's POV-
Watching humans and an angel, archangel at that, interact so easily is strange to me. They act like equals, that's what gets me. Castiel humble and collected...calm, yet so powerful and mighty; a hurricane disguised as a man. And he looks at Sam and Dean like family, with nothing but love for them. Looking at him you would never suspect that power beyond understanding surges inside him, with his peaceful grin and downcast eyes. It amazes me. It confuses me. Most anything will confuse and catch me off guard these days though, I'm so worried and tired. I have these strange visions too, like daydreams but incredibly realistic. I always mean to ask about it but the topic never seems appropriate. I'm thinking about it now when Sam plops done across from me in the reading chair opposite me.
"Something on your mind?" Sam asks, concerned.
"Actually, I have a question. Do you know anything about like visions that are like daydreams but not quite daydreams?" I ask.
Sam taps his knee, thinking, then he tosses his hands up.
"Yeah! Cas is experiencing something similar, I looked into it and I think it's because you guys are sharing grace, that's all; I wouldn't worry. By the way, Dean did all the human things he was determined for Cas to experience so are you ready for the ritual?" Sam asks, maintaining eye contact.
"Yeah," I say with an even breath and follow Sam in the search for cas and Dean.
We find them relaxing in their individual rooms and we all gather in a separate room together.
"Ready?" Castiel asks quietly.
"Ready," I affirm.
It's over before I know it and I feel a comforting hand on my shoulder and open my eyes gingerly.
"Good news is, you didn't die, bad news, you're the one who's human now....well, mostly human," Dean says from his wooden stool.
"Mostly?" I inquire.
"Well, I left just a little bit, a little bit of my grace is enough to keep you going until you get yours back, you're technically human but you have angel abilities still, well, some of them," Castiel explains," About your grace, I'm assuming Troye has it?"
"Yes," I whisper, ashamed.
"We're gonna fix that, get some rest for now," Dean determines and leaves the room with Sam in tow.
"They're nice, aren't they?" I mumble and Castiel nods.
"Yes, they are. I'm lucky to have them and you're lucky you're not being hunted by them. Troye sure has a surprise coming," Castiel says and turns to look at me.
I give a sad smile and walk away. Oh, Troye. What have you done...
Troye's POV-
The sky above me is somber, gloomy clouds blocking the sun and carrying a sharp wind. I pinpointed Tyler to here, some bunker in the middle of nowhere. I hope for the best and find myself inside. I tiptoe around, following the sound of voices. I hear two deep, rough voices around the corner and listen closely. I only hear hurried whispers, Inaudible. I hold my breath and turn the corner. It's Sam and Dean, talking and looking at a book together. Their backs are to me. I slide silently towards them. I'm reaching out towards Sam when I feel a blade in the small of my back and suddenly one at my throat.
"Gee, I dint think it'd be this easy, I'm almost disappointed," Dean remarks, glaring at me.
I laugh, threatening to push the blade into my back.
"You wish it was that easy," I say, and close my eyes, focusing. I open my eyes again and a blue wave pushes them away from me, sourcing from my hands at my sides.
"I've got 7 archangels in my veins, try me," I taunt.
They reorient themselves and stand ready to attack. It's almost pathetic how hard they try to look brave.
"What are you waiting for then," I tease.
Dean starts running to me and I throw him back against a wall, grabbing Tyler, who was the one who had the blade at my back. I hold my blade to his throat and back away. I feel something stop me cold and I turn to see what it is, quickly adjusting Tyler in my grip. There he is. Castiel, revealing his true form. I feel my hands shake and my head swims trying to take all of him into comprehension.
"You can't be-" I start but the flap of wings blocks all sound. His entire being moves together like clockwork, mesmerizing really. I find my head again and grab Tyler tighter before fleeing. I'm not getting mixed up with Castiel as an archangel. I'm good but he's an expert. Anyway, I made off with what I wanted. I turn to Tyler then and squat down to him laying on the ground, noticing how I successfully landed us back in headquarters.
"You shouldn't have run away," I whisper to him and stand back up, running my hand over my hair and smiling maliciously, "you really shouldn't have done that."
A/n: would you guys let me know if this story is easy to follow or not? Because I've been lacking on note taking lately... Thanks! Anyways quick chapter, Because I'm done with band camp #bittersweet

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